result count: 2
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
100443 - 572649 Black Rock Scorpion A giant scorpion that is black from head to tail. This creature hides in the shadows of rocks to ambush its prey, quickly striking when they least expect it. | normal (0) Lv: 39+3 Dust Devil Canyon (6) >-15496, -37, 5937 >(54, 68) Link Rune | HP: 4.236 PATK: 667 MATK: 620 PDEF: 2.029 MDEF: 2.047 PDMG: 271 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 192 tp: 192 | 720141 (5%) 720099 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722222 (0.667%) 722392 (0.667%) 723718 (0.667%) 222557 Unreal Blue Belt (0.4%) 721912 (0.32%) 770166 Card - Black Rock Scorpion (0.1%) |
101178 - 572649 strings | normal (0) Lv: 61+3 Link Rune | HP: 5.808 PATK: 1.342 MATK: 886 PDEF: 3.412 MDEF: 3.976 PDMG: 449 | Respawn: 00:06:00 xp: 734 tp: 734 | 720099 (5%) 720141 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722222 (0.667%) 722392 (0.667%) 723718 (0.667%) 721912 (0.32%) 220859 Final Horns Shoulder Armor (0.1%) 770166 Card - Black Rock Scorpion (0.1%) |