result count: 5
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
100364 - 573883 Minotaur Ghoul A creature created by dark magic and that cannot die. Driven by evil magic, the body of a fierce minotaur fighter becomes a most terrible weapon. | Elite (2) Lv: 40+3 Mystic Altar (104) >518, 983, 6220 >(24, 14) Blend Rune | HP: 12.705 PATK: 2.315 MATK: 1.607 PDEF: 2.121 MDEF: 2.141 PDMG: 874 | Respawn: 02:00:00 xp: 1.006 tp: 5.029 | 723980 (20%) 724922 (20%) 721913 (15%) 720099 (10%) 720011 (3%) 722359 (2.333%) 722495 (2.333%) 723957 (2.333%) 770130 Card - Minotaur Ghoul (0.1%) 550858 (0.1%) |
100606 - 572549 Zurhidon Soldier A member of the Zurhidon elite army. Only those in the highest level of the Zurhidon organization are able to give commands to these troops. | Elite (2) Lv: 40+2 Mystic Altar (104) >1670, 916, 6557 >(35, 10) Blend Rune | HP: 12.613 PATK: 2.307 MATK: 1.607 PDEF: 2.136 MDEF: 2.141 PDMG: 945 | Respawn: 02:00:00 xp: 1.006 tp: 5.029 | 723980 (20%) 724922 (20%) 721913 (15%) 720099 (10%) 720011 (3%) 722461 (2.333%) 723957 (2.333%) 722529 (2.333%) 770157 Card - Zurhidon Soldier (0.1%) 550829 (0.1%) |
100665 - 572700 Foul Dragonfly Likes to gather at places with water, like Lake Ousul. | normal (0) Lv: 42+2 Dust Devil Canyon (6) >-18211, -734, 11280 >(44, 42) Disenchant Rune | HP: 4.695 PATK: 761 MATK: 689 PDEF: 2.315 MDEF: 2.336 PDMG: 296 | Respawn: 00:02:00 xp: 222 tp: 222 | 204355 Foul Dragonfly Wing (200%) 720099 (5%) 720142 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722631 (0.667%) 722699 (0.667%) 723957 (0.667%) 222471 Star Chaser Shoulder Guards (0.4%) 721913 (0.32%) 770165 Card - Foul Dragonfly (0.1%) |
101177 - 572700 strings | normal (0) Lv: 62+2 Disenchant Rune | HP: 8.568 PATK: 1.654 MATK: 1.267 PDEF: 5.017 MDEF: 5.055 PDMG: 485 | Respawn: 00:02:00 xp: 748 tp: 748 | 720142 (5%) 720099 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723980 (3%) 722631 (0.667%) 722699 (0.667%) 723957 (0.667%) 721913 (0.32%) 770165 Card - Foul Dragonfly (0.1%) |
101433 - 572552 Raichika the Destroyer A terrifying fiend that invaded the refuge. It has the ability to petrify enemies and release potent poison, but the guardians in the refuge are not afraid of it, thus it ran away to hide in the depths of the refuge. | Boss (3) Lv: 42+0 (109) >4502, 307, 1586 >(0, 0) Link Rune | HP: 249.286 PATK: 3.107 MATK: 3.812 PDEF: 2.490 MDEF: 2.390 PDMG: 1.477 | Respawn: 03:00:00 xp: 2.218 tp: 22.176 | 723685 (200%) 723753 (200%) 723957 (200%) 720184 (200%) 720315 (200%) 720068 (200%) 203530 Book with Rune Mark Records (200%) 223696 Sparkling Cape (15%) 720099 (5%) 720026 (5%) 720011 (3%) 723982 (3%) 770283 Card - Raichika the Destroyer (0.1%) |