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102256 - 578524
Wild Giant Python
Generally speaking, snakes have two problems when it comes to eating. The first is that there isn't enough meat, and the second is that it isn't easy to get. But, in this place they only have the second problem...
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-2, -881, 21949
>(51, 45)
Link Rune
HP: 20.012
PATK: 1.190
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 394
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
205668 Python Fang (65%)
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770653 Card - Wild Giant Python (1%)
102257 - 570003
Wild Giant Bear
When it comes to fighting it is not always an advantage to be large, but for bears the bigger they are the more terrifying they are.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>6972, 213, 22750
>(77, 41)
Link Rune
HP: 21.076
PATK: 1.190
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 394
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770654 Card - Wild Giant Bear (1%)
102258 - 578523
Hidden Panther
The shadows of the trees are great for them to hide in...
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>1027, 129, 23273
>(55, 39)
Link Rune
HP: 20.012
PATK: 1.190
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 394
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770655 Card - Hidden Panther (1%)
102259 - 572607
Green Forest Deer
Don't get too close to them just because they are harmless. You'll be sorry when you get between them and the predators that eat them.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>840, -773, 19560
>(54, 58)
Link Rune
HP: 20.012
PATK: 1.190
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 394
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
205661 Green Forest Deer Leg (65%)
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770656 Card - Green Forest Deer (1%)
102260 - 577257
Rainforest Hunter
If predators know the principle that "strength comes in numbers," that really isn't a good thing.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>2622, 223, 19910
>(61, 56)
Link Rune
HP: 20.012
PATK: 1.190
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 394
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770657 Card - Rainforest Hunter (1%)
102263 - 577267
Kaa Marcher
Although the Kaa aren't as strong as the Naga, they're still terrifying to other animals.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>1286, 185, 26085
>(56, 24)
Activate Rune
HP: 31.272
PATK: 1.211
MATK: 979
PDEF: 5.108
MDEF: 5.108
PDMG: 396
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770703 Card - Kaa Marcher (1%)
102264 - 578498
Naga Vanquisher
The reason they came back is to conquer all other animals, and make them kneel to the power of the Naga.
Elite (2)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>1697, 236, 25773
>(57, 26)
Activate Rune
HP: 48.254
PATK: 5.110
MATK: 2.446
PDEF: 6.141
MDEF: 6.329
PDMG: 1.330
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 1.355
tp: 3.386
720142 (5%)
720011 (5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
724499 (2%)
724498 (1.5%)
724270 (1%)
724521 (1%)
770704 Card - Naga Vanquisher (1%)
102265 - 578499
Naga Suppressor
Naga have two ways of dealing with animals that disobey them: bloody suppression and total annihilation.
Elite (2)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>1721, 227, 26003
>(57, 25)
Activate Rune
HP: 48.254
PATK: 5.110
MATK: 2.446
PDEF: 6.141
MDEF: 6.329
PDMG: 1.330
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 1.355
tp: 3.386
205664 Commando Weapon (65%)
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
724499 (2%)
724498 (1.5%)
724270 (1%)
724521 (1%)
770705 Card - Naga Suppressor (1%)
102266 - 578519
Naga Captain
Only the toughest can become a Naga captain... or one must kill the previous captain.
Elite (2)
Lv: 53+0
Activate Rune
HP: 55.487
PATK: 5.205
MATK: 2.446
PDEF: 7.027
MDEF: 7.767
PDMG: 1.617
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 1.355
tp: 3.386
720142 (5%)
720011 (5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
724499 (2%)
724498 (1.5%)
724270 (1%)
724521 (1%)
770706 Card - Twilight Swamp Alligator (1%)
102273 - 578494
Filthy Fiend
Of Androth who turned into a monster, blood is the strongest part of him. Therefore every drop of blood that spills from him when injured is full of power. These monsters are what his blood becomes.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-2005, -793, 20682
>(43, 52)
Blend Rune
HP: 18.520
PATK: 1.204
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 395
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770711 Card - Filthy Fiend (1%)
102275 - 572689
Blood-Soaked Revenant
Nobody knows how many people Androth killed by sucking their blood dry. The consciousnesses of these undead exists within him along with their blood. When this blood leaves Androth's body, they will be freed, but..
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-2069, -832, 20552
>(43, 52)
Blend Rune
HP: 20.329
PATK: 1.217
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 397
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770712 Card - Blood-Soaked Revenant (1%)
102276 - 572688
Furious Dead
They were changed into undead creatures by Androth's consciousness and power.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-2071, -867, 20357
>(43, 53)
Blend Rune
HP: 20.329
PATK: 1.217
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 397
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770713 Card - Furious Dead (1%)
102278 - 577412
Fortifying Elemental
Elite (2)
Lv: 55+1
Origin (116)
>1900, 260, 4379
>(30, 44)
Link Rune
HP: 50.038
PATK: 4.331
MATK: 2.596
PDEF: 20.029
MDEF: 23.554
PDMG: 1.565
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 2.987
tp: 14.934
720101 (5%)
723983 (5%)
724499 (3.5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (3%)
724498 (1.5%)
724521 (1.5%)
102316 - 572152
Furious Kyle
Unable to forget what happened before he died, and always able to remember that he is Kyle, he has been lingering in this place for a long time.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-1365, -879, 21858
>(46, 46)
Blend Rune
HP: 19.506
PATK: 1.204
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 395
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770714 Card - Furious Kyle (1%)
102317 - 572152
Furious Rudd
Rudd was always proud to be a knight. Even after dying, he still can't believe that the leader he loyally followed could actually end up like this...
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-2359, -876, 21255
>(42, 49)
Blend Rune
HP: 19.506
PATK: 1.204
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 395
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770715 Card - Furious Rudd (1%)
102318 - 572152
Furious Hanz
"I'll never let go of my hatred for that traitor" - that is what Hanz tells himself.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Savage Lands (8)
>-1611, -857, 20394
>(45, 53)
Blend Rune
HP: 19.506
PATK: 1.204
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 395
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770716 Card - Furious Hanz (1%)
102323 - 578494
Furious Filthy Fiend
An animal affected by the blood, it's body continuously evolves. It is a furious fiend with great power.
normal (0)
Lv: 53+0
Blend Rune
HP: 19.506
PATK: 1.204
MATK: 979
PDEF: 4.492
MDEF: 4.521
PDMG: 395
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 650
tp: 780
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
720101 (3%)
723983 (3%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770717 Card - Furious Filthy Fiend (1%)
102341 - 574238
Giant Bug King Loot
Elite (2)
Lv: 57+0
Link Rune
HP: 11.948
PATK: 3.598
MATK: 2.751
PDEF: 3.338
MDEF: 3.301
PDMG: 762
Respawn: 00:00:00
725065 (200%)
724714 (200%)
725157 (200%)
724499 (15%)
724500 (15%)
724498 (6%)
724270 (6%)
724521 (6%)
720101 (5%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (3%)
723983 (3%)
102349 - 578563
Life Leecher
Boss (3)
Lv: 56+0
Origin (116)
>1769, 215, 3108
>(29, 62)
Link Rune
HP: 1.200.815
PATK: 22.026
MATK: 12.480
PDEF: 12.027
MDEF: 12.044
PDMG: 6.113
Respawn: 10:00:00
xp: 6.272
tp: 62.721
724715 (200%)
725157 (200%)
724912 (50%)
724498 (6%)
724270 (6%)
724521 (6%)
720101 (5%)
723983 (5%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (3%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1.5%)
102358 - 574240
Aslan Gift
normal (0)
Lv: 57+0
Link Rune
HP: 4.271
PATK: 1.113
MATK: 1.100
PDEF: 3.338
MDEF: 3.301
PDMG: 225
Respawn: 00:00:00
724853 (200%)
724720 (200%)
725157 (200%)
724499 (15%)
724500 (15%)
724498 (6%)
724270 (6%)
724521 (6%)
720101 (5%)
720011 (3%)
720142 (3%)
723983 (3%)
102388 - 574238
Present of the Holy Tree Falynum
normal (0)
Lv: 58+0
Link Rune
HP: 4.393
PATK: 1.145
MATK: 2.532
PDEF: 3.434
MDEF: 3.397
PDMG: 230
Respawn: 00:00:00
724718 (200%)
724719 (200%)
725176 (200%)
240705 Holy Tree Falynum's Memory Token (200%)
725653 (200%)
724499 (15%)
724500 (15%)
724498 (6%)
724270 (6%)
724521 (6%)
720101 (5%)
720011 (3%)
725676 (3%)
723983 (3%)
720142 (0.3%)
102395 - 578765
Boss (3)
Lv: 58+0
Hall of Survivors (117)
>-1759, 1304, 832
>(28, 31)
Link Rune
HP: 6.001.681
PATK: 31.003
MATK: 6.229
PDEF: 30.017
MDEF: 30.072
PDMG: 8.117
Respawn: 833:20:00
xp: 6.915
tp: 69.149
724856 (200%)
724857 (200%)
725176 (200%)
724498 (35%)
724270 (35%)
724521 (35%)
720143 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
720011 (3%)
102421 - 579049
Boss (3)
Lv: 58+0
Hall of Survivors (117)
>-288, 1480, -1333
>(43, 61)
Blend Rune
HP: 4.012.186
PATK: 28.054
MATK: 6.229
PDEF: 25.003
MDEF: 15.036
PDMG: 8.117
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 6.915
tp: 69.149
724854 (200%)
720101 (200%)
724867 (200%)
725176 (200%)
724498 (35%)
724270 (35%)
724521 (35%)
720143 (20%)
723983 (15%)
720011 (3%)
102425 - 578836
Boss (3)
Lv: 58+0
Hall of Survivors (117)
>2468, 1476, 945
>(72, 29)
Link Rune
HP: 5.001.401
PATK: 31.003
MATK: 6.229
PDEF: 15.009
MDEF: 15.036
PDMG: 8.617
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 6.915
tp: 69.149
724860 (200%)
724861 (200%)
725176 (200%)
724498 (35%)
724270 (35%)
724521 (35%)
720143 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
720011 (3%)
102430 - 578833
Boss (3)
Lv: 58+0
Hall of Survivors (117)
>63, 1465, -2715
>(47, 80)
Link Rune
HP: 10.000.588
PATK: 38.071
MATK: 35.005
PDEF: 30.017
MDEF: 30.072
PDMG: 7.116
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 6.915
tp: 69.149
724521 (200%)
724864 (200%)
724865 (200%)
724866 (200%)
725303 (200%)
725653 (200%)
240707 Andaphelmor's Memory Token (200%)
724498 (35%)
724270 (35%)
720143 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
720011 (3%)
725684 (3%)
102438 - 572970
As a member of the New Thirteen Circles of the Zurhidon founded by [116320|Maderoth], [102438|Sirloth] possesses a mighty power. The forbidden rune controlled by him: Fear, makes the Naga submit to him. His power has become a strong force which can't be ignored and has a great impact on the whole continent.
Boss (3)
Lv: 59+0
Link Rune
HP: 8.374.888
PATK: 31.125
MATK: 19.608
PDEF: 30.724
MDEF: 35.295
PDMG: 10.717
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 7.053
tp: 70.531
725063 (200%)
725064 (200%)
720101 (200%)
725069 (200%)
725303 (200%)
725653 (200%)
724498 (35%)
724270 (35%)
724521 (35%)
720143 (20%)
723983 (15%)
720011 (3%)
725689 (3%)
102446 - 578822
Boss (3)
Lv: 58+0
Link Rune
HP: 2.500.700
PATK: 32.031
MATK: 11.729
PDEF: 18.031
MDEF: 30.072
PDMG: 8.116
Respawn: 833:20:00
xp: 6.915
tp: 69.149
724862 (200%)
724863 (200%)
725176 (200%)
724869 (50%)
724498 (35%)
724270 (35%)
724521 (35%)
720143 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
720011 (3%)
102465 - 578851
Giant Armored Punisher
Elite (2)
Lv: 57+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 800.049
PATK: 23.006
MATK: 2.751
PDEF: 23.030
MDEF: 24.604
PDMG: 7.616
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 3.293
tp: 16.464
720142 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
724499 (3.5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
724498 (1.5%)
724270 (1.5%)
102466 - 579406
Chaos Punisher
Elite (2)
Lv: 57+0
Link Rune
HP: 700.043
PATK: 20.032
MATK: 2.751
PDEF: 15.020
MDEF: 15.603
PDMG: 7.159
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 3.293
tp: 16.464
720142 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
724499 (3.5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
724498 (1.5%)
724521 (1.5%)
102467 - 578852
Blade Punisher
Elite (2)
Lv: 57+0
Link Rune
HP: 750.106
PATK: 25.005
MATK: 2.751
PDEF: 18.024
MDEF: 15.603
PDMG: 7.615
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 3.293
tp: 16.464
720142 (20%)
720101 (15%)
723983 (15%)
724499 (3.5%)
724500 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
724498 (1.5%)
724521 (1.5%)

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