result count: 1

101882 - 576701
Mula Nail
Ice Dwarf General [101586|Mula Nail]: general of the guards in charge of the key to the Ice Dwarf Kingdom's main gate. It is obvious that Mula is held in trust by the Ice Dwarf King [100816|Ayson]. The pretty powerful Mula is weak in comparison to the Elemental Giants. In a challenge there are some things to remember about him - in general, ice dwarves are much tougher than average humans, and furthermore, [100816|Ayson] wouldn't appoint a weak or cowardly person to guard an item of such great importance...
Boss (3)
Lv: 52+0
Activate Rune
HP: 700.499
PATK: 6.019
MATK: 5.223
PDEF: 8.023
MDEF: 8.005
PDMG: 2.700
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 5.160
tp: 51.602
203870 Carry-On Notebook (200%)
724466 (200%)
722157 (30%)
724180 (10%)
720100 (10%)
723982 (10%)
720011 (3%)
770532 Card - Mula Nail (1%)