result count: 4

100312 - 574239
Soul Treasure Chest
Boss (3)
Lv: 103+0
Link Rune
HP: 1.282.650
PATK: 24.184
MATK: 19.138
PDEF: 18.216
MDEF: 18.164
PDMG: 5.681
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 50.561
tp: 1.516.819
726710 (200%)
726054 (200%)
723989 (100%)
725916 (100%)
725571 (70%)
725572 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
107001 - 574238
Experimental Treasure of the Soulless
Boss (3)
Lv: 103+0
Link Rune
HP: 1.282.650
PATK: 24.184
MATK: 19.138
PDEF: 18.216
MDEF: 18.164
PDMG: 5.681
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 50.561
tp: 1.516.819
724497 (200%)
726054 (200%)
720342 (100%)
724601 (100%)
724872 (70%)
724873 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
108150 - 804286
Aggregate of Desperation
Boss (3)
Lv: 88+0
Grotto of Horror (Hard) (157)
>8, 936, -605
>(56, 72)
Blend Rune
HP: 92.676.823
PATK: 314.761
MATK: 41.013
PDEF: 490.758
MDEF: 482.989
PDMG: 77.676
8.000Parry Piercing
20% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
10% Magical Accuracy
6% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 37.569
tp: 1.127.070
720830 (200%)
720829 (200%)
726054 (200%)
726876 (100%)
720853 (100%)
726928 (70%)
726929 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720819 (5%)
108404 - 804286
Aggregate of Despair
Boss (3)
Lv: 88+0
Blend Rune
HP: 102.337.200
PATK: 314.761
MATK: 41.013
PDEF: 490.758
MDEF: 482.989
PDMG: 77.676
8.000Parry Piercing
20% Physical Accuracy
6Dodge Rate
10% Magical Accuracy
6% Magic Resistance Rate
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 37.569
tp: 1.127.070
720830 (200%)
720829 (200%)
726054 (200%)
726876 (100%)
720853 (100%)
726928 (70%)
726929 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720819 (5%)