result count: 2
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
108977 - 572720 Zabuna | Boss (3) Lv: 93+0 Hall of Fire (198) >3799, 743, 4324 >(49, 38) Activate Rune | HP: 300.082.105 PATK: 403.059 MATK: 50.336 PDEF: 975.652 MDEF: 977.946 PCRITRES: 6.000 MCRITRES: 3.500 PDMG: 99.375 18% Physical Accuracy 10Dodge Rate 8.300Parry Piercing 20% Magical Accuracy 10% Magic Resistance Rate | Respawn: 166:40:00 xp: 41.478 tp: 1.244.349 | 726096 (200%) 243261 Red Flame Crystal (200%) 726877 (100%) 720930 (70%) 720931 (70%) 720143 (60%) 720820 (5%) |
108992 - 587232 Warlin | Boss (3) Lv: 94+0 Hall of Chaos (199) >-981, -18, -4107 >(37, 73) Blend Rune | HP: 307.206.802 PATK: 412.702 MATK: 53.131 PDEF: 990.288 MDEF: 972.250 PCRITRES: 6.000 MCRITRES: 3.500 PDMG: 101.312 20% Physical Accuracy 10Dodge Rate 8.500Parry Piercing 20% Magical Accuracy 10% Magic Resistance Rate | Respawn: 166:40:00 xp: 42.308 tp: 1.269.234 | 726096 (200%) 243262 Crystal of Illusion (200%) 726877 (100%) 720930 (70%) 720931 (70%) 720143 (60%) 720820 (5%) |