result count: 2

100071 - 572186
Through necromancy, these corpses have been reanimated into what the populace calls zombies. They have no consciousness of their own, retaining only a remnant of their more base instincts. Although their strength is great, they move very slowly.
Elite (2)
Lv: 20+0
Forsaken Abbey (102)
>1482, 482, 3531
>(12, 37)
Blend Rune
HP: 4.149
PATK: 708
MATK: 673
PDEF: 727
MDEF: 735
PDMG: 239
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 379
tp: 1.895
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721906 (15%)
720065 (10%)
724169 (10%)
722216 (7.713%)
722658 (7.713%)
722692 (7.713%)
720011 (3%)
220046 Bloodrust Leg Guards (1.442%)
220044 Piecemeal Chainmail (1.442%)
550922 (0.274%)
770090 Card - Zombie (0.1%)
100202 - 572186
Through necromancy, these corpses have been reanimated into what the populace calls zombies. They have no consciousness of their own, retaining only a remnant of their more base instincts. Although their strength is great, they move very slowly.
Elite (2)
Lv: 22+0
Forsaken Abbey (102)
>2364, 308, 2773
>(30, 58)
Blend Rune
HP: 4.837
PATK: 809
MATK: 751
PDEF: 829
MDEF: 838
PDMG: 272
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 418
tp: 2.089
723980 (20%)
724922 (20%)
721907 (15%)
720065 (10%)
724169 (10%)
722251 (6.064%)
722863 (6.064%)
723951 (6.064%)
720011 (3%)
220046 Bloodrust Leg Guards (1.04%)
220044 Piecemeal Chainmail (1.04%)
770090 Card - Zombie (0.1%)