result count: 1

108492 - 804601
Greedy Sand Bug
These are the only edible creatures in [ZONE_TANZILA_VOLCANO|Tanzila Volcano]. The bugs have a poisonous organ inside, which needs to be cut out before eating them.
normal (0)
Lv: 92+0
Kashaylan (30)
>16136, 541, 36935
>(55, 59)
Link Rune
HP: 455.543
PATK: 26.818
MATK: 2.900
PDEF: 90.096
MDEF: 89.023
PDMG: 3.151
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.627
tp: 1.952
720142 (10%)
723988 (10%)
720011 (5%)
721012 (2%)
721013 (2%)
721014 (0.1%)
721015 (0.1%)
771616 Card - Greedy Sand Bug (0.1%)