result count: 1
name | base | attribute | info | loot |
109634 - 806316 Path Patrol Fighter A member of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] who watches over the Sickle Moon Path. Has a particularly strong will to fight. | normal (0) Lv: 100+0 Vortis (37) >-1755, 216, 474 >(43, 47) Blend Rune | HP: 980.460 PATK: 47.106 MATK: 8.250 PDEF: 141.320 MDEF: 141.325 PDMG: 6.720 | Respawn: 00:01:30 xp: 1.906 tp: 2.287 | 720142 (10%) 723989 (10%) 720011 (5%) 725569 (2%) 725570 (2%) 725571 (0.1%) 725572 (0.1%) 771885 Card - Path Patrol Fighter (0.1%) |