result count: 1

109734 - 578496
Serpent Lair Protector
A purebred Naga from the [ZONE_TWIN_SERPENT_DEN|Twin Serpent Lair]. These are basically [109733|Serpent Lair Logistics Officers] shoved into a uniform and given a weapon. They're nowhere near as strong as the troops of the [109735|Serpent Lair Vanguard], but they're more numerous, and they exploit those numbers to overwhelm their opponents.
normal (0)
Lv: 102+0
Chassizz (38)
>2228, 189, 1186
>(59, 33)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.186.193
PATK: 54.838
MATK: 8.801
PDEF: 164.515
MDEF: 164.503
PDMG: 7.503
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.983
tp: 2.379
720142 (10%)
720342 (10%)
720011 (5%)
724870 (2%)
724871 (2%)
724872 (0.1%)
724873 (0.1%)
771960 Card - Serpent Lair Protector (0.1%)