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100661 - 573930
Female Withered Soul
A female Tempest Height soldier that died in battle. Her soul is bound to the battlefield by her will to fight and survive, which prevents her from traveling to the underworld. She believes that she is still fighting in the war, even though she is long dead.
normal (1)
Lv: 46+2
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-15109, 117, 12857
>(55, 34)
Blend Rune
HP: 4.010
PATK: 1.056
MATK: 408
PDEF: 2.067
MDEF: 2.258
PDMG: 302
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 270
tp: 270

>100451 Shaman Yeda (50%)
>100438 Mummified Man (50%)
202838 Quill Pen (60%)
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722973 (0.667%)
723007 (0.667%)
720186 (0.667%)
222559 Purple Butterfly Belt (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
220728 Ice-blue Leg Guards (0.1%)
770191 Card - Female Withered Soul (0.1%)
100662 - 573931
Male Withered Soul
A male Tempest Height soldier that died in battle. His soul is bound to the battlefield by his will to fight and survive, which prevents him from traveling to the underworld. He believes that he is still fighting in the war, even though he is long dead.
normal (0)
Lv: 46+2
Blend Rune
HP: 5.438
PATK: 924
MATK: 787
PDEF: 2.739
MDEF: 2.763
PDMG: 332
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 270
tp: 270

>100437 Mummified Woman (50%)
>100451 Shaman Yeda (50%)
202838 Quill Pen (30%)
720142 (5%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
723041 (0.667%)
723755 (0.667%)
723789 (0.667%)
211390 Pure Long Staff (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770204 Card - Male Withered Soul (0.1%)
100663 - 574117
This unidentified bird can be found everywhere. Be extra careful if it starts circling above you.
normal (0)
Lv: 46+2
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-17083, 110, 10528
>(48, 45)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 5.771
PATK: 971
MATK: 844
PDEF: 2.939
MDEF: 2.989
PDMG: 337
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 270
tp: 270
720142 (5%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722871 (0.667%)
722973 (0.667%)
723007 (0.667%)
211391 Sage's Long Staff (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770193 Card - Crow (0.1%)
550298 (0.1%)
100664 - 574116
Bird of Gloom
The only animal on Hawk's Cliff that isn't classed as a sub-human. Its attack power is low, but its physical defense is higher than you would expect.
normal (0)
Lv: 43+3
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-14168, 685, 15842
>(58, 20)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 4.855
PATK: 795
MATK: 713
PDEF: 2.417
MDEF: 2.438
PDMG: 305
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 233
tp: 233
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722326 (0.667%)
723584 (0.667%)
723618 (0.667%)
222617 Snow Spirit Cape (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
220087 Natural Silk Hood (0.1%)
770202 Card - Bird of Gloom (0.1%)
550796 (0.1%)
100665 - 572700
Foul Dragonfly
Likes to gather at places with water, like Lake Ousul.
normal (0)
Lv: 42+2
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-18211, -734, 11280
>(44, 42)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 4.696
PATK: 762
MATK: 689
PDEF: 2.316
MDEF: 2.336
PDMG: 296
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 222
tp: 222
204355 Foul Dragonfly Wing (200%)
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722631 (0.667%)
722699 (0.667%)
723957 (0.667%)
222471 Star Chaser Shoulder Guards (0.4%)
721913 (0.32%)
770165 Card - Foul Dragonfly (0.1%)
100666 - 572954
Tempest Height leader. Don't be deceived by his formible attack power and defense- Bordon's speed is just as frightening.
Boss (3)
Lv: 50+0
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-11057, 662, 14948
>(70, 24)
Activate Rune
HP: 356.064
PATK: 4.515
MATK: 2.732
PDEF: 3.075
MDEF: 2.913
PDMG: 1.523
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 4.680
tp: 46.805
723654 (200%)
723960 (200%)
722532 (200%)
720026 (50%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222466 Red Ring Handguards (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770178 Card - Bordon (0.1%)
100667 - 574118
Giant Fruit Cactus
Does that cactus with a big juicy fruit for a hat contain alcohol? If not, how comes its nose is so red?
Boss (3)
Lv: 45+0
Link Rune
HP: 303.259
PATK: 3.233
MATK: 3.315
PDEF: 3.344
MDEF: 2.385
PDMG: 1.027
Respawn: 04:00:00
xp: 12.836
tp: 641.787

>100620 Giant Needle Cactus (75%)
>100621 Giant Flower Cactus (25%)
722224 (200%)
723380 (200%)
723414 (200%)
722530 (200%)
240689 Giant Fruit Cactus' Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222523 Mulberry Jacket (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
770161 Card - Giant Fruit Cactus (0.1%)
550736 (0.1%)
100668 - 574121
Once a famous man known in Tempest Height for his bravery, Wattken lost his life many years ago during the war with the Order. Unfortunately, the evil magic used during the war turned him into an angry spirit.
Elite (2)
Lv: 48+0
Blend Rune
HP: 18.319
PATK: 2.321
MATK: 2.256
PDEF: 3.268
MDEF: 3.241
PDMG: 631
Respawn: 00:06:00
720011 (3%)
100669 - 574075
Elite (2)
Lv: 45+0
Activate Rune
HP: 23.825
PATK: 402
MATK: 2.014
PDEF: 2.017
MDEF: 1.058
PDMG: 164
Respawn: 00:00:00
100670 - 574226
Poisonous Spinetail Scorpion
A large scorpion commonly seen in dry areas. It uses the poisonous spines in its tail to attack its enemies.
normal (0)
Lv: 43+3
Link Rune
HP: 4.915
PATK: 800
MATK: 725
PDEF: 2.458
MDEF: 2.479
PDMG: 305
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 233
tp: 233
720011 (3%)
100671 - 572490
Outpost Infantry
normal (0)
Lv: 40+0
Activate Rune
HP: 15.551
PATK: 277
MATK: 691
PDEF: 2.369
MDEF: 588
PDMG: 113
Respawn: 00:00:00
100672 - 572619
Powerful Highland Iguana
A type of large lizard commonly seen in the highlands. They are able to climb rock cliffs with their strong limbs, while their bites often cause festering wounds due to their bacteria-ridden saliva.
normal (0)
Lv: 41+2
Link Rune
HP: 4.540
PATK: 729
MATK: 666
PDEF: 2.217
MDEF: 2.237
PDMG: 288
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 211
tp: 211
720011 (3%)
100673 - 573883
Minotaur Ghoul
An undead creature created with dark magic. Moved by evil forces, the corpse of this ferocious minotaur has turned into a terrible weapon.
Elite (2)
Lv: 40+3
Blend Rune
HP: 12.706
PATK: 2.315
MATK: 1.607
PDEF: 2.122
MDEF: 2.141
PDMG: 821
Respawn: 02:00:00
720011 (5%)
770130 Card - Minotaur Ghoul (0.1%)
100674 - 572713
Crafty Bernok
He can be found in the monster compendium, the guide written by the legendary Mage Vahtos, due to the fact that he turned into a monster after an accident during an experiment. He is cunning by nature but he cannot find the source of things he smells.
Boss (3)
Lv: 18+0
Signal Rune
HP: 77.310
PATK: 845
MATK: 730
PDEF: 562
MDEF: 618
PDMG: 363
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 3.438
tp: 171.903
720011 (3%)
100675 - 572700
Crazy Kiosade
He can be found in the monster compendium, the guide written by the legendary Mage Vahtos, due to the fact that he turned into a monster after an accident during an experiment. His special shell provides him with complete protection when in danger.
Boss (3)
Lv: 20+0
Aslan Valley (4)
>-5038, -15, 10485
>(58, 12)
Signal Rune
HP: 91.346
PATK: 1.096
MATK: 1.592
PDEF: 844
MDEF: 840
PDMG: 729
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 758
tp: 7.581
100676 - 574233
Joblid the Giant Flower
It can be found in the monster compendium, the guide written by the legendary Mage Vahtos, due to the fact that it turned into a monster after an accident during an experiment. It is now a giant version of the demon vine that enjoys the taste of blood.
Boss (3)
Lv: 25+0
Link Rune
HP: 170.672
PATK: 1.237
MATK: 2.296
PDEF: 975
MDEF: 1.614
PDMG: 759
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 968
tp: 9.675

>100230 Bloodthirsty Demon Vine (100%)
100677 - 574234
Angry Jekarce
He can be found in the monster compendium, the guide written by the legendary Mage Vahtos, due to the fact that he turned into a monster after an accident during an experiment. Whirling his strong fists he quickly stuns his opponents.
Boss (3)
Lv: 30+0
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-12665, 988, -4029
>(54, 43)
Link Rune
HP: 163.373
PATK: 1.587
MATK: 1.906
PDEF: 1.684
MDEF: 1.200
PDMG: 977
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 1.235
tp: 12.348
100678 - 572686
She can be found in the monster compendium, the guide written by the legendary Mage Vahtos, due to the fact that she turned into a true monster after an accident during an experiment. She is able to manipulate space to move her opponents anywhere she wishes.
Boss (3)
Lv: 35+0
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-19187, 1327, -5818
>(26, 53)
Frost Rune
HP: 276.673
PATK: 1.910
MATK: 3.210
PDEF: 1.525
MDEF: 2.632
PDMG: 948
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 1.576
tp: 15.760
100679 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 437.693
PATK: 6.765
MATK: 7.268
PDEF: 5.033
MDEF: 5.097
PDMG: 1.913
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100680 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 437.693
PATK: 6.765
MATK: 7.268
PDEF: 5.033
MDEF: 5.097
PDMG: 1.913
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100681 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 435.519
PATK: 5.919
MATK: 3.805
PDEF: 3.797
MDEF: 4.159
PDMG: 1.744
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100682 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 436.765
PATK: 5.591
MATK: 5.489
PDEF: 5.872
MDEF: 4.159
PDMG: 1.678
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100683 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 437.693
PATK: 6.765
MATK: 7.268
PDEF: 5.033
MDEF: 5.097
PDMG: 1.913
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100684 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 437.693
PATK: 6.765
MATK: 7.268
PDEF: 5.033
MDEF: 5.097
PDMG: 1.913
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100685 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 435.519
PATK: 5.919
MATK: 3.805
PDEF: 3.797
MDEF: 4.159
PDMG: 1.744
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100686 - 574148
Kal Turok Myrmex Queen
The leader of the Kal Turok Myrmex clan. For the Myrmex, the Myrmex Queen is their sole reason to exist. After the Myrmex colony is built, the queen will remain in the depths of the nest while being waited on by the worker Myrmex.
Boss (3)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 662.722
PATK: 4.962
MATK: 7.268
PDEF: 3.995
MDEF: 7.265
PDMG: 1.554
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 7.194
tp: 71.941
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100687 - 572915
Hungry Greyce
Elite (2)
Lv: 12+0
Frost Rune
HP: 1.947
PATK: 427
MATK: 484
PDEF: 385
MDEF: 396
PDMG: 184
Respawn: 00:30:00
xp: 257
tp: 1.283
240668 Hungry Greyce's Spirit Crystal (200%)
722893 (18.272%)
722519 (18.272%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
721903 (1.671%)
720093 (0.5%)
100688 - 574122
Hungry Plunderer
normal (0)
Lv: 9+0
Frost Rune
HP: 552
PATK: 97
MATK: 185
PDEF: 281
MDEF: 290
PDMG: 65
Respawn: 00:00:30
xp: 22
tp: 11
720140 (5%)
722620 (4.907%)
723028 (4.907%)
723504 (4.907%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
721902 (2.356%)
720092 (0.5%)
100689 - 572915
Hungry Greyce
Elite (2)
Lv: 16+0
Frost Rune
HP: 2.933
PATK: 600
MATK: 648
PDEF: 543
MDEF: 557
PDMG: 244
Respawn: 00:30:00
xp: 312
tp: 1.559
240668 Hungry Greyce's Spirit Crystal (200%)
722453 (11.194%)
722691 (11.194%)
722793 (11.194%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
721905 (1.535%)
720094 (0.5%)
100690 - 574122
Hungry Plunderer
normal (0)
Lv: 14+0
Frost Rune
HP: 928
PATK: 158
MATK: 282
PDEF: 461
MDEF: 473
PDMG: 96
Respawn: 00:00:30
xp: 28
tp: 14
720140 (5%)
722724 (3.458%)
722962 (3.458%)
723438 (3.458%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
721904 (1.66%)
720093 (0.5%)

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