result count: 10770

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num pages: 359

100241 - 0
normal (1)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100242 - 0
normal (1)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100243 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100244 - 570858
normal (0)
Lv: 1+2
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100245 - 570850
normal (0)
Lv: 1+1
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100246 - 570854
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100247 - 570853
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100248 - 570160
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
PDMG: 202
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100249 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100250 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100251 - 0
Grandmother Cherry
The cherry wine that she brews is famous in these lands.
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Activate Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100252 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100253 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 1+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:06:00
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100254 - 0
Sika Oone
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:06:00
720011 (5%)
100255 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:06:00
720011 (5%)
100256 - 0
normal (0)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:06:00
720011 (5%)
100257 - 572547
Elite (2)
Lv: 36+0
Activate Rune
HP: 10.037
PATK: 1.581
MATK: 524
PDEF: 1.689
MDEF: 776
PDMG: 483
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 827
tp: 4.137
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100258 - 572185
Elite (2)
Lv: 36+0
Blend Rune
HP: 10.446
PATK: 1.915
MATK: 1.389
PDEF: 1.767
MDEF: 1.784
PDMG: 541
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 827
tp: 4.137
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100259 - 0
Elite (2)
Lv: 0+0
Purify Rune
HP: 164
PATK: 91
MATK: 70
PDEF: 84
MDEF: 84
PDMG: 15
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100260 - 572970
Boss (3)
Lv: 40+0
Activate Rune
HP: 327.437
PATK: 3.592
MATK: 3.424
PDEF: 2.465
MDEF: 3.521
PDMG: 765
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100261 - 572184
A Morcus beast belonging to Sirloth. It utilizes its evil master's strength and skills to such an extent that its might far exceeds that of other Morcus beasts.
Boss (3)
Lv: 39+0
Necropolis of Mirrors (103)
>3308, -533, 4648
>(56, 19)
Blend Rune
HP: 223.721
PATK: 1.464
MATK: 3.413
PDEF: 2.029
MDEF: 2.047
PDMG: 546
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 1.916
tp: 19.156
722325 (200%)
722461 (200%)
722903 (200%)
722971 (200%)
720025 (200%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721913 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770142 Card - Krodamon (1%)
100262 - 572691
A Morcus beast belonging to Sirloth. It utilizes its evil master's strength and skills to such an extent that its might far exceeds that of other Morcus beasts.
Boss (3)
Lv: 39+0
Necropolis of Mirrors (103)
>3176, -541, 4733
>(54, 18)
Blend Rune
HP: 223.721
PATK: 1.464
MATK: 3.413
PDEF: 2.029
MDEF: 2.047
PDMG: 546
Respawn: 24:00:00
xp: 1.916
tp: 19.156
722291 (200%)
722427 (200%)
722869 (200%)
722937 (200%)
720025 (200%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721913 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770143 Card - Krodamar (1%)
100263 - 806076
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Mystical Mirror Fortress (223)
>10786, 704, 1910
>(87, 18)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.639.052
PATK: 45.398
MATK: 17.031
PDEF: 109.127
MDEF: 108.320
PDMG: 9.669
Respawn: 166:40:00
720486 (200%)
720657 (200%)
727040 (100%)
202285 Shados' Heart (50%)
720142 (10%)
726877 (10%)
720011 (5%)
100264 - 572354
Magister Gumas
A traveling mage from Kolydia. On the outside he appears to be a diligent scholar, but secretly he was an avid student of the forbidden schools of magic. Transforming his body in order to gain more powerful skills, he found the final piece he sought in the Necropolis of Mirrors to turn himself into a reborn demon.
Boss (3)
Lv: 35+0
Necropolis of Mirrors (103)
>1432, -271, 1312
>(30, 81)
Blend Rune
HP: 188.418
PATK: 1.940
MATK: 2.943
PDEF: 1.685
MDEF: 1.702
PDMG: 818
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 1.576
tp: 15.760
722561 (200%)
722561 (200%)
723003 (200%)
723037 (200%)
720025 (200%)
720021 (100%)
724922 (20%)
723980 (20%)
721911 (15%)
720011 (3%)
770144 Card - Magister Gumas (1%)
100265 - 0
Elite (2)
Lv: 32+0
Blend Rune
HP: 8.012
PATK: 1.454
MATK: 615
PDEF: 1.130
MDEF: 1.242
PDMG: 351
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 340
tp: 851
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
100266 - 571711
Quirlag, Son of the Earth Dragon
The Earth Dragon's youngest son. Even though he has only just broken out of his egg, he still poses a serious danger.
Boss (3)
Lv: 40+0
Link Rune
HP: 231.995
PATK: 2.829
MATK: 3.536
PDEF: 2.121
MDEF: 2.141
PDMG: 1.225
Respawn: 02:00:00
xp: 2.011
tp: 20.114
722325 (200%)
722461 (200%)
723583 (200%)
723617 (200%)
720025 (50%)
202946 Sound of Wind (25%)
720098 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
222670 Cold Light Shoulder Armor (0.4%)
721913 (0.32%)
770118 Card - Quirlag, Son of the Earth Dragon (0.1%)
100267 - 572606
Khazor Reindeer
A deer with a huge body that only exists in cold areas. Both males and females possess long, pointed antlers. They eat moss and lichen, and migrate in herds in order to find new sources of food.
normal (0)
Lv: 31+2
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-11385, 752, -2598
>(60, 35)
Link Rune
HP: 3.002
PATK: 453
MATK: 456
PDEF: 1.382
MDEF: 1.396
PDMG: 148
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 130
tp: 130
201463 High Quality Antler (70%)
720097 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722424 (1.07%)
722900 (1.07%)
723376 (1.07%)
222639 Galaxy Shoulder Guards (0.663%)
721910 (0.514%)
770246 Card - Khazor Reindeer (0.1%)
100268 - 574830
Ystra Ferret Cub
A strange and wondrous creature that possesses wings that allow it to hover, and four legs which give it excellent agility and running speed. It can easily move about on any type of terrain.
normal (0)
Lv: 30+2
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-11122, 748, -2146
>(61, 32)
Purify Rune
HP: 2.865
PATK: 430
MATK: 437
PDEF: 1.312
MDEF: 1.326
PDMG: 143
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 123
tp: 123
720096 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722627 (1.105%)
723613 (1.105%)
720180 (1.105%)
222455 Impressive Leather Armor (0.663%)
721909 (0.571%)
220109 Adventurer's Clothes (0.142%)
770099 Card - Ystra Ferret Cub (0.1%)
100269 - 570019
Frostwood Valley Cyclops
A savage and greedy race that will eat anything which looks remotely edible. They can be found wandering about throughout the Ystra Highlands.
normal (0)
Lv: 32+2
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-6778, 661, -5217
>(80, 50)
Activate Rune
HP: 3.130
PATK: 488
MATK: 475
PDEF: 1.466
MDEF: 1.469
PDMG: 159
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 136
tp: 136
201124 Cyclops Horn (40%)
720097 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722492 (1.421%)
723648 (1.421%)
721910 (0.514%)
222478 Bright Purple Belt (0.497%)
210451 Gigantic Horn (0.161%)
550644 (0.124%)
770100 Card - Frostwood Valley Cyclops (0.1%)
100270 - 572657
An important source of food and clothing material for the minotaurs. They are also the only riding mount able to endure the minotaurs' immense bodies.
normal (0)
Lv: 32+0
Link Rune
HP: 4.476
PATK: 536
MATK: 475
PDEF: 855
MDEF: 798
PDMG: 123
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 136
tp: 136
720097 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722696 (1.421%)
722968 (1.421%)
721910 (0.514%)
222465 Crystal Wave Handguards (0.497%)

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