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100004 - 570141
What kind of bird can fly faster than an eagle?
normal (0)
Lv: 15+2
Sascilia Steppes (10)
>-29526, -152, -3179
>(57, 57)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 947
PATK: 146
MATK: 197
PDEF: 466
MDEF: 507
PDMG: 100
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 59
tp: 59
202978 Complete Hawk Feather (80%)
720093 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722350 (3.296%)
722452 (3.296%)
722554 (3.296%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
211303 Clear-sight Long Bow (1.924%)
770341 Card - Hawk (0.1%)
100006 - 583999
Tomb Scorpion
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (hard) (187)
>1317, 464, 1188
>(37, 68)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 8.821.045
PATK: 286.956
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 475.787
MDEF: 476.071
PDMG: 61.432
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
100007 - 575432
Tomb Sand Scorpion
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (hard) (187)
>1412, 464, 1957
>(38, 55)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 386.235
PATK: 52.286
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 42.659
MDEF: 39.815
PDMG: 10.247
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
100021 - 583999
Tomb Scorpion
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (188)
>1317, 464, 1188
>(37, 68)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 2.972.351
PATK: 225.444
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 157.268
MDEF: 157.553
PDMG: 41.360
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
100022 - 575432
Tomb Sand Scorpion
Elite (2)
Lv: 103+0
Tomb of Souls (188)
>1412, 464, 1957
>(38, 55)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 386.235
PATK: 52.286
MATK: 23.699
PDEF: 42.659
MDEF: 39.815
PDMG: 10.247
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 25.280
tp: 379.205
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725569 (3.5%)
725570 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725571 (1.5%)
725572 (1.5%)
100034 - 802003
Boss (3)
Lv: 102+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 417.258.395
PATK: 410.988
MATK: 51.709
PDEF: 1.093.815
MDEF: 1.092.381
PDMG: 103.034
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 49.569
tp: 1.487.070
721255 (200%)
721254 (200%)
726093 (200%)
723989 (100%)
721270 (100%)
721248 (70%)
721249 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
100039 - 802003
Boss (3)
Lv: 102+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15, 68, -85
>(117, 331)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 138.797.357
PATK: 260.443
MATK: 51.709
PDEF: 684.200
MDEF: 683.408
PDMG: 72.925
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 49.569
tp: 1.487.070
721262 (200%)
725923 (200%)
723989 (100%)
721270 (100%)
721248 (70%)
721249 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
100047 - 802003
Boss (3)
Lv: 102+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 29.475.617
PATK: 124.952
MATK: 51.709
PDEF: 500.579
MDEF: 500.075
PDMG: 25.826
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 49.569
tp: 1.487.070
721267 (200%)
725310 (200%)
723989 (100%)
721270 (100%)
721248 (70%)
721249 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
100132 - 571014
Cow Beetle
Named for the cow patterns that cover its body, the cow beetle belongs to the giant beetle class.
normal (1)
Lv: 8+3
Silverspring (2)
>-123, 38, -1009
>(35, 94)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 483
PATK: 79
MATK: 107
PDEF: 249
MDEF: 252
PDMG: 58
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 42
tp: 42
720077 (80%)
722654 (5.222%)
722790 (5.222%)
723946 (5.222%)
720092 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222452 Light Purple Leather Armor (2.944%)
721902 (2.733%)
770026 Card - Cow Beetle (0.1%)
100146 - 570125
The distinguishing characteristic of this giant insect is its rock-solid back that protects both its wings and delicate body.
normal (0)
Lv: 5+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-1402, -4, -5277
>(45, 35)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 294
PATK: 46
MATK: 72
PDEF: 147
MDEF: 117
PDMG: 40
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 36
tp: 36
722755 (5.37%)
723503 (5.37%)
722517 (5.37%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
721901 (2.3%)
220772 Military Shield (0.278%)
770006 Card - Beetle (0.1%)
100156 - 571707
Wilt-leaf Bat
This bat lives in the forest, spending most of its time gathering dead leaves to build its nest.
normal (1)
Lv: 5+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-3408, -1, -6099
>(30, 43)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 294
PATK: 46
MATK: 72
PDEF: 147
MDEF: 117
PDMG: 40
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 36
tp: 36
722211 (5.37%)
722789 (5.37%)
723027 (5.37%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222441 Simple Leg Guards (2.833%)
721901 (2.733%)
210180 Hammer of the Mother's Instructions (0.261%)
770007 Card - Wilt-leaf Bat (0.1%)
100195 - 570194
Colorful Ostrich
A large bird that is unable to fly, but can use its strong legs to run quickly. Its brightly colored feathers, as well as the taste of its quality meat, make it a favorite prey among hunters.
normal (0)
Lv: 17+2
Silverspring (2)
>5081, 2, 5243
>(63, 49)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.195
PATK: 191
MATK: 225
PDEF: 587
MDEF: 594
PDMG: 114
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 65
tp: 65
725753 (200%)
720076 (80%)
720094 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722317 (3.206%)
722623 (3.206%)
722521 (3.206%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
222657 Helmet of the Wasteland (1.924%)
721905 (1.535%)
550848 (0.446%)
770052 Card - Colorful Ostrich (0.1%)
100209 - 571012
Copper Shell Beetle
Named for its sturdy yet shiny, copper-colored shell, this insect belongs to the giant beetle class.
normal (0)
Lv: 16+3
Silverspring (2)
>5206, -10, 7678
>(64, 32)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.099
PATK: 177
MATK: 211
PDEF: 543
MDEF: 550
PDMG: 108
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 62
tp: 62
720094 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722249 (3.198%)
722691 (3.198%)
722725 (3.198%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
721905 (1.535%)
210145 Staff of Magic (0.331%)
770053 Card - Copper Shell Beetle (0.1%)
100210 - 571015
Young Ostrich
This ostrich lacks the brightly-colored feathers of the older birds, which gives it an advantage when hiding from predators.
normal (0)
Lv: 16+2
Silverspring (2)
>5332, -36, 7615
>(64, 33)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.099
PATK: 177
MATK: 211
PDEF: 543
MDEF: 550
PDMG: 108
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 62
tp: 62
725753 (200%)
720076 (80%)
720094 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722793 (3.198%)
723439 (3.198%)
723507 (3.198%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
211286 Sharp Barb (1.783%)
721905 (1.535%)
770054 Card - Young Ostrich (0.1%)
201538 Young Ostrich's Egg (0.01%)
100217 - 576261
Deathly Mistrust
Boss (3)
Lv: 101+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 270.231.421
PATK: 399.801
MATK: 51.288
PDEF: 1.056.596
MDEF: 1.055.237
PDMG: 100.788
Respawn: 166:40:00
100225 - 571700
A summoned bat-like bird creature.
Elite (2)
Lv: 30+0
Aslan Valley (4)
>-5545, 512, 1221
>(55, 79)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 7.363
PATK: 1.290
MATK: 701
PDEF: 991
MDEF: 1.102
PDMG: 350
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 309
tp: 772
720011 (3%)
100263 - 806076
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Mystical Mirror Fortress (223)
>10786, 704, 1910
>(87, 18)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.639.052
PATK: 45.399
MATK: 17.032
PDEF: 109.127
MDEF: 108.321
PDMG: 9.860
Respawn: 166:40:00
720486 (200%)
720657 (200%)
727040 (100%)
202285 Shados' Heart (50%)
720142 (10%)
726877 (10%)
720011 (5%)
100280 - 571014
Whirlwind Beetle
They are a kind of giant beetle and can whirl up a stormwind to hurt enemies closeby.
normal (1)
Lv: 11+3
Silverspring (2)
>2850, -25, 4624
>(51, 54)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 684
PATK: 112
MATK: 144
PDEF: 349
MDEF: 353
PDMG: 101
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 49
tp: 49
720077 (80%)
203782 Luminous Emblem (80%)
720093 (5%)
720140 (5%)
722213 (3.611%)
722621 (3.611%)
722757 (3.611%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
211333 Savage Short Axe (2.167%)
721903 (1.967%)
220776 Modified Beetle Shell (0.522%)
550621 (0.522%)
770232 Card - Whirlwind Beetle (0.1%)
100296 - 572555
Poisonous Dragonfly
Appears near water and trees, known for its poisonous wings and colorful body.
normal (0)
Lv: 14+3
Silverspring (2)
>3665, 3, 6482
>(56, 41)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 921
PATK: 149
MATK: 183
PDEF: 461
MDEF: 467
PDMG: 95
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 57
tp: 57
720093 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722384 (3.458%)
723404 (3.458%)
723472 (3.458%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
222585 Dead Tree Ring (2.088%)
721904 (1.735%)
210737 Jass' Crossbow (0.494%)
770238 Card - Poisonous Dragonfly (0.1%)
100329 - 574700
Wasteland Skipper
"Mammy, look! This butterfly has a tail!" - Children's words.
normal (1)
Lv: 47+3
Ravenfell (3)
>9309, 224, 8749
>(26, 43)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 5.630
PATK: 472
MATK: 1.234
PDEF: 2.285
MDEF: 4.098
PDMG: 281
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 283
tp: 283
202002 Soul Dust of a Skipper (35%)
203709 Essence of Wasteland Skipper (35%)
720142 (5%)
722157 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
722191 (2%)
724185 (1.5%)
724180 (1%)
720100 (1%)
770493 Card - Wasteland Skipper (0.1%)
100333 - 576831
Wind Elemental
Although the King of the Wind has been incarcerated, looking at the many [<S>100333|Wind Elementals], his strength seems to be unbroken.
normal (0)
Lv: 48+2
Ravenfell (3)
>9578, 167, 9149
>(27, 40)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 6.127
PATK: 990
MATK: 839
PDEF: 2.971
MDEF: 2.996
PDMG: 349
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 327
tp: 360
201970 Power of Pure Wind (65%)
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722157 (3.5%)
723982 (3%)
722191 (2%)
724185 (1.5%)
724180 (1%)
720100 (1%)
770494 Card - Wind Elemental (0.1%)
100355 - 570805
A spirit afflicted by a cursed treasure. It has the ability to change its body, however its abilities and lifeforce suffer greatly when its treasure is damaged.
normal (0)
Lv: 34+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 2.747
PATK: 659
MATK: 373
PDEF: 1.337
MDEF: 1.494
PDMG: 246
Respawn: 00:20:00
xp: 150
tp: 150
720011 (3%)
770105 Card - Carfcamoi (0.1%)
100378 - 570245
Rat-ear Bat
A bat that likes to build nests in buildings, and is therefore often seen in ancient buildings.
normal (0)
Lv: 15+2
Silverspring (2)
>-1015, -210, 2808
>(31, 67)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.008
PATK: 163
MATK: 197
PDEF: 502
MDEF: 507
PDMG: 116
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 59
tp: 59
720093 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722248 (3.296%)
722690 (3.296%)
722724 (3.296%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
211394 Strong Hacking Axe (2.169%)
721904 (1.735%)
220153 Stoic Pants (0.494%)
770036 Card - Rat-ear Bat (0.1%)
100386 - 572616
Fallen Harpy
Elite (2)
Lv: 101+0
Vale of Rites (Easy) (180)
>3953, 102, 4163
>(63, 46)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 951.445
PATK: 92.350
MATK: 20.813
PDEF: 117.839
MDEF: 117.884
PDMG: 17.388
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 1.944
tp: 2.333
723989 (100%)
720142 (60%)
725984 (3.5%)
725985 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
725986 (1.5%)
725987 (1.5%)
100398 - 572555
Sharpwing Dragonfly
Appearing near water and trees, these dragonflies are known for their poisonous wings and colorful bodies.
normal (0)
Lv: 10+2
Silverspring (2)
>6122, 10, 1915
>(69, 73)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 613
PATK: 101
MATK: 131
PDEF: 314
MDEF: 318
PDMG: 70
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 47
tp: 47
720092 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
722655 (4.097%)
722689 (4.097%)
722757 (4.097%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
211379 Wisdom Staff (2.167%)
721903 (1.967%)
770031 Card - Sharpwing Dragonfly (0.1%)
100447 - 570132
Gale Harpy
Residing in the vicinity of Hawk's Cliff, this harpy is capable of manipulating the power of the wind.
normal (0)
Lv: 46+3
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-14822, 302, 14813
>(56, 25)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 3.897
PATK: 1.053
MATK: 408
PDEF: 2.083
MDEF: 2.258
PDMG: 311
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 270
tp: 270
201431 Harpy Claw (200%)
202947 Harpy Holy Spirit (25%)
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722259 (0.667%)
723449 (0.667%)
723483 (0.667%)
222571 Heaven's Blessing Boots (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
220427 Leggings of Meditation (0.1%)
770198 Card - Gale Harpy (0.1%)
550673 (0.1%)
100448 - 572616
Iron-clawed Harpy
Residing in the vicinity of Hawk's Cliff, this harpy's sharp claws make it deadly.
normal (0)
Lv: 45+2
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-14458, 506, 15266
>(57, 22)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 5.154
PATK: 882
MATK: 762
PDEF: 2.645
MDEF: 2.652
PDMG: 300
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 257
tp: 257
201431 Harpy Claw (200%)
202947 Harpy Holy Spirit (25%)
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722666 (0.667%)
722700 (0.667%)
722836 (0.667%)
211437 Blessed Battlehammer (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
220139 Elegant Belt (0.1%)
770199 Card - Iron-clawed Harpy (0.1%)
100449 - 572615
Red Winged Harpy
A rare kind of bird demon known for the colorful feathers on its body.
normal (0)
Lv: 45+3
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-15014, 546, 16470
>(55, 17)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 4.645
PATK: 431
MATK: 762
PDEF: 2.132
MDEF: 3.749
PDMG: 266
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 257
tp: 257

>100450 Ayelo (0.1%)
201431 Harpy Claw (200%)
202947 Harpy Holy Spirit (25%)
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722428 (0.667%)
723720 (0.667%)
720185 (0.667%)
222594 Savior's Sting (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
220618 Tempest Height Leather Leg Guards (0.1%)
770200 Card - Red Winged Harpy (0.1%)
100450 - 574107
The queen of the harpies of Dust Devil Canyon reigns over her people on Hawk's Cliff. She has little contact with humans. According to the legend of Tempest Height, Ayelo lived before Dust Devil Canyon was even formed, and that there is magic flowing through her veins that forced her to kill continuously. Her murderous rampage ended when the Spirit of Wind suppressed this magic, which calmed her. After this, she led her followers to settle near the sacred region of the Spirit of Wind.
Boss (4)
Lv: 48+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.093.964
PATK: 5.443
MATK: 9.024
PDEF: 2.766
MDEF: 4.575
PDMG: 2.161
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 14.859
tp: 742.947

>100449 Red Winged Harpy (100%)
201635 Ayelo's Feather (500%)
722293 (200%)
723381 (200%)
723449 (200%)
722531 (200%)
240692 Ayelo's Spirit Crystal (200%)
720026 (100%)
220427 Leggings of Meditation (100%)
720099 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
211453 Cold Stone Wand (0.4%)
721915 (0.32%)
770201 Card - Ayelo (0.1%)
100493 - 802518
Boss (3)
Lv: 95+0
Disenchant Rune
HP: 1.637.070
PATK: 45.023
MATK: 17.032
PDEF: 108.228
MDEF: 108.321
PDMG: 9.785
Respawn: 166:40:00
720486 (200%)
720656 (200%)
727040 (100%)
200545 Fat Field Mouse (50%)
720142 (10%)
726877 (10%)
720011 (5%)

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