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100001 - 574239
Soul Treasure Chest
Boss (3)
Lv: 103+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-84, 68, -144
>(116, 331)
Link Rune
HP: 1.282.650
PATK: 24.184
MATK: 19.138
PDEF: 18.216
MDEF: 18.164
PDMG: 5.681
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 50.561
tp: 1.516.819
726705 (200%)
726704 (200%)
727226 (200%)
723989 (100%)
725916 (100%)
725571 (70%)
725572 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
100039 - 802003
Boss (3)
Lv: 102+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15, 68, -85
>(117, 331)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 138.797.357
PATK: 260.443
MATK: 51.709
PDEF: 684.200
MDEF: 683.408
PDMG: 72.925
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 49.569
tp: 1.487.070
721262 (200%)
725923 (200%)
723989 (100%)
721270 (100%)
721248 (70%)
721249 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720822 (5%)
105590 - 583245
Rotting Flesh Chupura
They ate polluted grass on the road and went crazy, biting whoever they see.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-14715, 33, 33942
>(39, 91)
Activate Rune
HP: 49.387
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 520
PDEF: 15.162
MDEF: 13.037
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:50
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771119 Card - Rotting Flesh Chupura (0.1%)
105591 - 581458
Domesticated Chupura
normal (0)
Lv: 65+1
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-14288, 106, 34836
>(41, 84)
Link Rune
HP: 4.969
PATK: 1.361
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 4.126
MDEF: 4.126
PDMG: 266
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 794
tp: 794
105592 - 587526
Striped Newt
normal (0)
Lv: 1+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15649, 51, 35783
>(34, 78)
Frost Rune
HP: 142
PATK: 24
MATK: 28
PDEF: 84
MDEF: 84
Respawn: 00:00:00
105593 - 574546
Polluted Newt
They became seriously sick because the river they live was polluted by the wastewater from the lab.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13556, 39, 34724
>(45, 85)
Frost Rune
HP: 49.387
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 520
PDEF: 15.162
MDEF: 13.037
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771120 Card - Polluted Newt (0.1%)
105594 - 587503
The products of the Hand of Truth's experiment. They are half human and half animal corpse. They were captured for experiment, and many of them went insane while they were watching themselves being transformed.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-10730, 178, 34377
>(60, 88)
Blend Rune
HP: 58.358
PATK: 5.286
MATK: 1.134
PDEF: 20.036
MDEF: 14.341
PDMG: 1.164
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771130 Card - Nightmare (0.1%)
105667 - 582306
Male Bone Chomper
There is a Kalon nursery rhyme that goes: "[<S>105764|Bone Chomper Beastlings] hide rats, [<S>105763|Female Bone Chompers] hide Kulangs, and [<S>105667|Male Bone Chompers] hide Boshis. If you aren't a good kid, then a [105667|Male Bone Chomper] will make you disappear."
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-14092, 406, 37599
>(42, 65)
Link Rune
HP: 61.654
PATK: 5.677
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.208
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771109 Card - Male Bone Chomper (0.1%)
105668 - 587231
[<S>105668|Doomsayers] possess a keen sense of smell, particularly when it comes to animals on the brink of death. This is how the [105668|Doomsayer] has earned the unfortunate nickname 'harbinger of death.'
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13067, 417, 37146
>(48, 68)
Blend Rune
HP: 63.200
PATK: 5.863
MATK: 1.481
PDEF: 16.976
MDEF: 16.906
PDMG: 1.226
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771110 Card - Doomsayer (0.1%)
105669 - 587153
Strange Battlefield Bandit
A peculiar scent wafts from this strange Kalon.
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13362, 425, 38222
>(46, 61)
Blend Rune
HP: 61.212
PATK: 5.765
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.571
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.216
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771111 Card - Strange Battlefield Bandit (0.1%)
105670 - 587222
Hopeless Battlefield Bandit
This peculiar Fireboot Dwarf emits an exceedingly strange scent.
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-14099, 413, 37717
>(42, 64)
Blend Rune
HP: 61.212
PATK: 5.765
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.571
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.216
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771112 Card - Hopeless Battlefield Bandit (0.1%)
105672 - 587343
Secret Grove Boshi
The [105672|Secret Grove Boshi] isn't merely treated as a staple food by the [SC_ZONE20_01|Fireboot Dwarves], its entire body is harvested for useful materials. Though they aren't raised on purpose, they tend to mill about [ZONE_ENGHAN_GIANT_FOREST|Ingham's Forest], an area that the Fireboots regard as their backyard. One could say that these [<S>105672|Secret Grove Boshis] are 'free range.'
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13798, 706, 41271
>(44, 39)
Frost Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:10
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
209629 Tough Boshi Hide (75%)
209637 Secret Grove Boshi Hard Horn (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771105 Card - Secret Grove Boshi (0.1%)
105673 - 587344
Secret Grove Woodroach
These insects are a vexing problem for the [SC_ZONE20_01|Fireboot Dwarves]. They don't just burrow into tree trunks and leave it at that. They get in there and completely ruin the Redwoods that the [SC_ZONE20_01|Fireboot Dwarves] pride themselves on. Not only that, but they've also known to eat Redwood Saplings before they even have a chance to mature. It's a serious enough problem to threaten the whole of [ZONE_ENGHAN_GIANT_FOREST|Ingham's Forest].
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-16013, 615, 40874
>(32, 42)
Link Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:10
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
209638 Secret Grove Woodroach Hard Shell (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771106 Card - Secret Grove Woodroach (0.1%)
105674 - 587345
Redwing Kulang
The [SC_ZONE20_01|Fireboot Dwarves] truly despise this cunning creature. It has been known to destroy saplings and steal goods. The only positive thing that can be said about it is that it can be eaten.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-14582, 628, 41348
>(40, 39)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:10
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771107 Card - Redwing Kulang (0.1%)
105675 - 587623
Secret Grove Anteater
Its endless quest to gobble up insects has made it a menace to [<S>105673|Secret Grove Woodroaches] everywhere. This has also made it the favored research target of green-thumbed Fireboot Dwarves, all of whom are trying to harness its secrets to discover effective ways of killing pesky insects.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-14606, 621, 40197
>(39, 47)
Link Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:10
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
240293 Poison Anteater Sac (75%)
240030 Large Claw Bone (60%)
105676 - 587347
Rock Galidun
This ancient stone spirit materializes in the mining district near the [ZONE_ENGHAN_GIANT_FOREST|Ingham's Forest]. Its massive power and fierce attack have made it the long-time menace of Fireboot Dwarf miners.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-17447, 626, 40199
>(24, 47)
Purify Rune
HP: 60.202
PATK: 5.627
MATK: 2.084
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.090
PDMG: 1.198
Respawn: 00:00:10
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771108 Card - Rock Galidun (0.1%)
105694 - 571695
Layod Wild Boar
With blackish-red hair and two massive horns coming out of its nose, this animal's ferocious nature will ruin the day of anyone foolish enough to intrude in its territory.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-12494, 717, 41133
>(51, 40)
Activate Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771100 Card - Layod Wild Boar (0.1%)
105698 - 571704
Layod Wolf
There's plenty of food to be had around here, making it an ideal hunting ground for this maroon-colored wolf.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13422, 698, 42034
>(46, 34)
Activate Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
209072 Messy Beast Pelt (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771101 Card - Layod Wolf (0.1%)
105699 - 581849
Drifting Pango
Long ago, local villagers would raise Pangos here. However, once calamity descended and drove all of the villagers away, their Pangos slowly turned feral.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-11308, 689, 43321
>(57, 25)
Link Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
209071 Pango Meat (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771102 Card - Drifting Pango (0.1%)
105700 - 581956
Drifting Javias
A giant python that wanders as it pleases thanks to natural camouflage. Apparently the villagers of old once raised them as pets.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-12240, 737, 41557
>(52, 37)
Link Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771103 Card - Drifting Javias (0.1%)
105743 - 572172
Dorris Elite Archer
Elite (2)
Lv: 68+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-12878, 285, 34740
>(49, 85)
Signal Rune
HP: 15.432
PATK: 4.842
MATK: 3.725
PDEF: 1.490
MDEF: 1.490
PDMG: 1.008
Respawn: 00:00:00
105750 - 587370
Fireboot Guardsman
Elite (2)
Lv: 65+0
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15750, 570, 39326
>(33, 53)
Link Rune
HP: 35.996
PATK: 6.050
MATK: 3.438
PDEF: 5.598
MDEF: 5.611
PDMG: 1.588
Respawn: 00:00:10
105756 - 582306
Predator's Bone Chomper
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13568, 435, 38990
>(45, 55)
Link Rune
HP: 61.654
PATK: 5.677
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.208
Respawn: 00:00:00
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
105762 - 587349
Redleaf Gulo
To better blend in with their surroundings, these Gulos have evolved a patch of long red hair on their backs that looks like a red leaf.
normal (0)
Lv: 65+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-12470, 689, 41864
>(51, 35)
Link Rune
HP: 60.031
PATK: 5.512
MATK: 1.375
PDEF: 16.007
MDEF: 16.007
PDMG: 1.186
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 953
tp: 1.144
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771104 Card - Redleaf Gulo (0.1%)
105763 - 587455
Female Bone Chomper
Bone Chompers are greedy by nature and tend to hoard their food in secret spots.
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-12838, 426, 37286
>(49, 67)
Link Rune
HP: 61.654
PATK: 5.677
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.208
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771113 Card - Female Bone Chomper (0.1%)
105765 - 573884
Ferdhoof Mountain Scorpion
While this mountain scorpion's poison may not be the strongest around, its sting makes for a harrowing five days of pain.
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-12461, 425, 39084
>(51, 54)
Link Rune
HP: 61.654
PATK: 5.677
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.208
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771115 Card - Ferdhoof Mountain Scorpion (0.1%)
240281 Mountain Scorpion Stinger (0.06%)
105766 - 572152
Battlefield Phantom
The spirit of a dead warrior. It knows no peace since losing its body. In a desperate search for a new vessel, it will surprise attack any weak party it comes across on the battlefield.
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-13790, 379, 38541
>(44, 58)
Blend Rune
HP: 62.621
PATK: 5.794
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.219
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771116 Card - Battlefield Phantom (0.1%)
105767 - 574471
Ferdhoof Male Gazelle
[<S>105767|Ferdhoof Male Gazelles] are excellent jumpers. There are those in Kalon who claim to have witnessed a [105767|Ferdhoof Male Gazelle] jump between two immense cliffs, only to safely leap down to the ground like it was nothing.
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15325, 461, 37858
>(36, 63)
Activate Rune
HP: 61.654
PATK: 5.677
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.208
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
240028 Proud Buck Horn (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771117 Card - Ferdhoof Male Gazelle (0.1%)
105768 - 574469
Female Ferdhoof Gazelle
The [105768|Female Ferdhoof Gazelle's] reputation as a swift runner is well-known. The story goes that there was once someone riding a horse full-speed. One second they turn to see a [105768|Female Ferdhoof Gazelle] bounding along around ten lengths behind them, two seconds later it has overtaken their horse and all they see is dust.
normal (1)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-15458, 472, 37793
>(35, 64)
Activate Rune
HP: 61.654
PATK: 5.677
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.486
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.208
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
240029 Doe's Leg Meat (60%)
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)
771118 Card - Female Ferdhoof Gazelle (0.1%)
105769 - 587153
Silent Kalon
normal (0)
Lv: 66+2
Redhill Mountains (20)
>-16668, 106, 34422
>(29, 87)
Link Rune
HP: 61.212
PATK: 5.765
MATK: 1.413
PDEF: 16.571
MDEF: 16.486
PDMG: 1.216
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 972
tp: 1.167
720142 (10%)
720103 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725535 (2%)
725539 (2%)

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