result count: 1
guid | name | zone | Quest | Questlink |
112602 | Michael Habin (strings) (strings) | Weeping Coast (7) 20638, 8, 21454 x: 60 y: 47 | 422164 Michael's Request 422165 Selling Water Bone Leaves 422167 Means of Shifting the Focus 422168 Michael's Trick |
result count: 1
guid | name | zone | Quest | Questlink |
112602 | Michael Habin (strings) (strings) | Weeping Coast (7) 20638, 8, 21454 x: 60 y: 47 | 422164 Michael's Request 422165 Selling Water Bone Leaves 422167 Means of Shifting the Focus 422168 Michael's Trick |