result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

123290Dead Giant Bear
123291Red Desert Weaver's Lair
Kashaylan (30)
13666, -39, 38643
x: 44
y: 49
424724 A Promise Kept
123292Broken Banka
Salioca Basin (29)
7895, 1, 24966
x: 16
y: 51
426830 The Smoker
123295Will Kanches
123296Balu Warrior
123297Hatley Kabi
Salioca Basin (29)
8807, 120, 29806
x: 20
y: 25
123298Mior Fanzee
Salioca Basin (29)
8838, 121, 29787
x: 20
y: 26
123299Alika Fench
Salioca Basin (29)
8791, 120, 29806
x: 20
y: 25
123300Cherda Kabba
Salioca Basin (29)
8747, 122, 29808
x: 20
y: 25
123301Penny Nurlinda
Salioca Basin (29)
8820, 121, 29776
x: 20
y: 26
123302Kaskar Loke
Salioca Basin (29)
8781, 124, 29759
x: 20
y: 26
123303Melinkai Olun
Salioca Basin (29)
8764, 124, 29763
x: 20
y: 26
123304Voidal Steel Mine
123306Mag Neigh
Kashaylan (30)
21114, 369, 38109
x: 78
y: 52
426794 Fight for Survival
426796 Papowaka Stone Statue
426802 Restoring the Statue's Magic Circle
426973 Helping Others
427023 Camp Calls
427033 Camp Calls
426974 Further Repairs
427024 Maintaining the Seal
427034 Maintaining the Seal
426885 Three Control Points
123307Duro Fleetfoot
Kashaylan (30)
19760, 304, 42641
x: 71
y: 25
426795 Running Retreat
123308Duro Fleetfoot
Kashaylan (30)
20920, 383, 38115
x: 77
y: 52
426970 New Areas of Business
427020 Business Plans
427030 Business Plans
123309Pukiki Thousandfoot
Kashaylan (30)
21182, 367, 38224
x: 78
y: 51
426797 Residual Energy
426938 Earth Crystal
427025 Earth Crystal
426796 Papowaka Stone Statue
Kashaylan (30)
19747, 196, 40213
x: 71
y: 40
426798 Precious Wood
426939 Rock Agate
427026 Rock Agate
426796 Papowaka Stone Statue
123311Iblaus Bigear
Kashaylan (30)
19912, 219, 41485
x: 72
y: 32
426799 The Kashay Have Themselves an RV
426940 Fragments from the Otherworld
427027 Fragments from the Otherworld
426796 Papowaka Stone Statue
123312Gunnar Lauth
Kashaylan (30)
21073, 369, 38059
x: 77
y: 52
426800 The Three Adventurteens
427018 Teachers and their Pupils
427028 Teachers and their Students
422655 Great Responsibility
426796 Papowaka Stone Statue
123313Kaimo Bleigh
Kashaylan (30)
21159, 364, 38245
x: 78
y: 51
426801 The Eagle King Tail Feather
427019 The Eagle Hunt
427029 The Eagle Hunt
426796 Papowaka Stone Statue
123314Mag Neigh
Kashaylan (30)
21359, 226, 41068
x: 79
y: 34
426803 Message to Everyone
123315Sabano Ironhammer
Kashaylan (30)
21183, 361, 38445
x: 78
y: 50
123316Papowaka Stone Statue
123317Jenruni Jansson
Kashaylan (30)
19498, 263, 39470
x: 70
y: 44
426800 The Three Adventurteens
427018 Teachers and their Pupils
427028 Teachers and their Students
123318Ogest Juli
Kashaylan (30)
19697, 194, 40156
x: 71
y: 40
426800 The Three Adventurteens
427018 Teachers and their Pupils
427028 Teachers and their Students
123319Agate Wood
Kashaylan (30)
20769, 166, 39482
x: 76
y: 44
426798 Precious Wood
426939 Rock Agate
427026 Rock Agate

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num pages: 508