result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

124490Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-2955, 99, 1544
x: 30
y: 45
427571 Eliminating Kadnis the Sower
124491Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-1669, 168, 361
x: 39
y: 56
427572 On to the Azure Camp
Enoch (36)
-3511, 254, -373
x: 26
y: 63
427573 Decimating Monsters
427574 Gathering before the Attack
124493Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-2095, 171, -1305
x: 36
y: 72
427575 Decimating Enemies
427576 Protector of the Demon Bastion
427577 Prevent the Germination Ceremony
427578 The New Transport Portal
124494Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
-2054, 171, -1319
x: 36
y: 73
Enoch (36)
-2022, 172, -1284
x: 37
y: 72
Tasuq (34)
-4275, 522, -3132
x: 15
y: 77
427579 Onward to Vortis
124497Kerley Hill
Vortis (37)
-60, 364, -3652
x: 55
y: 86
427641 A Solution to the Water Problem
427642 Analyzing the Reports
124498Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-488, 74, 2171
x: 48
y: 39
427565 On to the Southtree Station
124499Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
-1622, 167, 335
x: 39
y: 57
Enoch (36)
-1651, 167, 323
x: 39
y: 57
124501Gray Citadel Transport Portal
124503Weapons Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124504Equipment Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124505Potion Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124506General Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124507Sarlina Neeson
124508Magic Circle of Binding
Enoch (36)
-1568, 168, 365
x: 40
y: 56
427597 Recovering the Supplies
427600 Rest in Peace, comrade!
427619 Mountains of Scattered Supplies
427620 The Personal Amulet of an Old Comrade
Enoch (36)
-3285, 271, -268
x: 27
y: 62
427605 Amulet of Decay Resistance
427625 Spell Amulet
124511Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
-218, 358, -3667
x: 54
y: 86
427643 A Mountain Pass in the Storm Dunes
124512Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
289, 149, -886
x: 57
y: 60
427644 The Canines and the Inexorable League
427645 The Mountain Pass
124513Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
-343, 179, 773
x: 53
y: 44
427646 The Magic Circle on the Mountain Pass
427647 Another Way Out
124514Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
-142, 356, -3584
x: 54
y: 86
427648 The Path in the West
124515Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
-1042, 198, 348
x: 48
y: 48
427649 Breakthrough on the Sickle Moon Path
427650 Onward to the New Camp
124516Lemondis Coyz
Vortis (37)
-1388, 42, 3143
x: 45
y: 21
427651 Secure the Camp
427652 Gather Goods
427653 Protection of the Resonance Stone Devices
427654 Leader of the Yasheedees
427655 Report to Aydan Highlander
124517Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
-1658, 43, 3216
x: 43
y: 20
427656 The Boundless Dune Canine Settlement
124518Kerley Hill
Vortis (37)
-1649, 43, 3195
x: 44
y: 20
Vortis (37)
-1671, 43, 3199
x: 43
y: 20

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num pages: 508