result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

124610Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
3665, -103, -3131
x: 70
y: 76
124611Louis Rasa
Chassizz (38)
333, -239, -4199
x: 45
y: 86
427771 Claws of the Fire Iguana
427816 Fire Claws
124612Burl Notterli
Chassizz (38)
318, -238, -4005
x: 45
y: 84
427772 Black-Blooded Demon Beasts
427801 Bloodthirsty Tarbloods
124613Karnia Sanderli
Chassizz (38)
370, -239, -4011
x: 46
y: 84
427773 The Power of Prayer
427802 Skulls of the Dead
124614Luka Farklet
Chassizz (38)
289, -240, -3908
x: 45
y: 83
427774 Secrets of the Rivensword
427803 The Rivensword
124615Cid Chrisler
Chassizz (38)
1517, 86, -2485
x: 54
y: 69
427775 Lost Documents
427804 Lost Orders
124616Jenn Hario
Chassizz (38)
1473, 81, -2435
x: 54
y: 69
427776 Sower's Little Helpers
427805 Seeds of Death
124617Bron Charles
Chassizz (38)
1495, 81, -2433
x: 54
y: 69
427777 Quality Charcoal
427806 Quality Materials
124618Dyla Karloq
Chassizz (38)
1534, 201, -4625
x: 54
y: 90
427778 Ancient Runic Creatures
427817 Rise of the Runic Guards
124619Mizun Mardies
Chassizz (38)
1547, 200, -4709
x: 54
y: 91
427779 Titan Unbound
427818 Titan Unbound
124620Luri Kelapas
Chassizz (38)
1487, 203, -4628
x: 54
y: 90
427780 In Search of Relic Fragments
427807 Fragments of Energy
124621Uliana Lisor
Chassizz (38)
2457, 0, -3079
x: 61
y: 75
427781 Fireproof Gloves
427808 Unbearable Heat
124622Vander Barksi
Chassizz (38)
2484, 4, -2900
x: 61
y: 73
427782 Eruptive Reasoning
427809 Magma Energy
124623Haruz Khasbar
Chassizz (38)
2614, 0, -2995
x: 62
y: 74
427783 Gauntlet to the Flame Devils
427810 Respect of the Flame Devil
124624Ludoff Niehbar
Chassizz (38)
2539, 0, -3060
x: 62
y: 75
427784 Mutant Fire Elementals
427811 Diabolical Mutations
124625Lotar Herstbar
Chassizz (38)
2298, 36, -2222
x: 60
y: 66
427785 Supplying Gratitude
427812 Plundering the Naga Supplies
124626Hasul Archarlist
Chassizz (38)
2386, 51, -2217
x: 61
y: 66
427786 Dangerous Prototypes
427819 Destroying the Prototypes
124627Liban Wariff
Chassizz (38)
2363, 19, -2315
x: 60
y: 67
427787 A Brief Interception
427820 The Goals of the Inexorable League
124628Nolte Chirasup
Chassizz (38)
2445, 98, 62
x: 61
y: 44
427788 Division of Naga Labor
427821 Chaos in the Nest
124629Aysia Kerloska
Chassizz (38)
2456, 97, 60
x: 61
y: 44
427789 Adulterated Gunpowder
427822 All Powder No Puff
124630Elias Ystlin
Chassizz (38)
2446, 97, 23
x: 61
y: 44
427790 Decapitating the Serpents
427823 Cropping the Snakes
124631Peggy Arkasha
Chassizz (38)
2397, 0, -3078
x: 61
y: 75
427791 Running Low
427813 Delicious Red Meat
124632Sibo Fantash
Chassizz (38)
2426, 213, 1687
x: 61
y: 28
427792 The Ashbringer's Minions
427824 Minions of the Traitor
124633Angren Kerlisto
Chassizz (38)
3305, 219, 2613
x: 67
y: 18
427793 Crystallized Wrath
427825 Of Rocks and Hard Places
124634Gabor Elliyas
Chassizz (38)
2522, 210, 1752
x: 62
y: 27
427794 The Great Barrier
427814 Another Great Barrier?
124635Kerun Kansika
Chassizz (38)
5125, 154, 3087
x: 81
y: 14
427795 Celestial Blueprints
427826 More Blueprints
124636Sanguin Worstkai
Chassizz (38)
5041, 156, 3130
x: 80
y: 13
427796 Stop the Ceremony
427827 Interrupt the Incantation
124637Enoch Sibholm
Chassizz (38)
4997, 154, 2962
x: 80
y: 15
427797 Sabotage
427828 Destroy the Combat Equipment
124638Hope Karutoh
Chassizz (38)
5172, 161, 2959
x: 81
y: 15
427798 Primordial Energy
427815 A Warning for Posterity
124639Parth Mariko
Chassizz (38)
5005, 156, 3067
x: 80
y: 14
427799 Guardian of the Pantheon
427829 Overcoming the New Pantheon's Defenses

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num pages: 508