result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

113180Kaidi Hamaelong
Savage Lands (8)
4552, 70, 17096
x: 68
y: 70
422447 Sharp Blade Annihilator Parts
422448 Steel Guardian Parts
422449 Energy Converter Cores
422614 Ruin Guardian Energy Source
113181Hone Sanburs
Savage Lands (8)
4754, 78, 16990
x: 69
y: 71
113182Beached Red Tail Fish
Savage Lands (8)
1898, 6, 24675
x: 58
y: 32
422450 Continent's Fishery
113184Cave Ore
Savage Lands (8)
-1210, -132, 25588
x: 46
y: 27
422444 What are the Goblins Excavating?
113185Sheelo Lance
Savage Lands (8)
-3763, 336, 24932
x: 37
y: 30
422711 Eye of Wisdom Leader
422720 Ape Mountain's Materials
422721 Kilanche Fungus Forest's Materials
422722 Bodo Materials
422723 Water Source Materials
422725 Confirming Materials
422658 Front Line Expedition Team
113186Kaman Grass
Savage Lands (8)
3828, 269, 20415
x: 65
y: 53
422424 Snakebite Antidote
113187Buried Pile of Dirt
Savage Lands (8)
6931, 224, 26016
x: 77
y: 25
422268 Buried Heritage
113188Naga Food Storage Box
Savage Lands (8)
6959, 212, 25544
x: 77
y: 27
422426 Destroying the Naga's Stock
113189Robert Kenil
Varanas (10000)
4815, 109, -2266
x: 49
y: 54
113190Fungus King
Savage Lands (8)
-8074, 132, 21502
x: 20
y: 48
422481 Dealing with Guards
422482 Seize the Fake Fungus King's Throne
Savage Lands (8)
-6206, -9, 20090
x: 27
y: 55
422487 Chaos in Kilanche Fungus Forest
422488 Leaving this Crazy Land
113193Timothy Kenil
Obsidian Stronghold (10001)
-23089, -260, 4652
x: 43
y: 50
113194Lloyd Kenil
113195Gerry Kenil
113197Tempest Totem Pole
113198TW - Sys113198_name
Varanas (10000)
4948, 115, -2208
x: 50
y: 53
113199Newbie Pet
113200Castle Gate Construction Point
113201Kaz Listod
Silverspring (2)
1729, -30, 9218
x: 45
y: 21
113202Strange Pumpkin
113203Bosh Budaweige
Savage Lands (8)
-1885, -868, 21889
x: 44
y: 46
422491 Making a Rubbing of the Tablet
422492 Give to a Sincere Friend
422493 Perhaps Coming Here Was a Bad Idea...
422494 Curing Lunacy
422495 Blood Analysis
422496 Surveying the Strange Energy Source
422497 An Unbelievable Answer
113204Energy Ball
113205Green Forest Deer
unknown422551 The Necessary Nutrients
113206Weak Young Ape
Savage Lands (8)
2287, 67, 16899
x: 60
y: 71
422550 Saving a Life
113207Bright Dye
Savage Lands (8)
1924, 117, 16476
x: 58
y: 73
422554 Giving Way to Reality
113208Pile of Waste Wood Blocks
Savage Lands (8)
4206, 200, 25088
x: 67
y: 30
422429 Strengthening the Defense Line
113209Naga Commander's Plans
Savage Lands (8)
5745, 413, 26189
x: 73
y: 24
422427 Naga Commander's Plan

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num pages: 508