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num pages: 508

121760Patrol Point 1
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3237, 809, -6253
x: 64
y: 53
425862 Lost in the Fog
121761Patrol Point 2
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3785, 809, -5267
x: 61
y: 46
425862 Lost in the Fog
121762Patrol Point 3
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3980, 810, -4997
x: 59
y: 44
425862 Lost in the Fog
121763Ailin Coppernlo
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3502, 826, -5613
x: 62
y: 49
425844 Living Person, Dead Body
425843 Old Firemallet's Whereabouts
121764Tomas Stanhagen
121765Resting Soldier
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3495, 817, -5708
x: 62
y: 50
425843 Old Firemallet's Whereabouts
unknown425830 Antibiotic Herb
unknown425828 Medicine Delivery through Fog
425829 Dreadlord of the Thirteen Circles
unknown425831 Metal of Life
121769Ever Flower
unknown425830 Antibiotic Herb
121770Holy Fire
121771Will Kanches
Kashaylan (30)
16470, 552, 36889
x: 57
y: 59
426862 A Question of Communication
422656 One Foot to the Grave
121772Zak Balu
Kashaylan (30)
15075, 499, 36924
x: 50
y: 59
426863 Access Denied
426866 Defensive Line
426867 Driving Them Back
426985 The Will of the Warrior
121773Ludor Balu
Kashaylan (30)
15918, 584, 35951
x: 54
y: 65
426864 A Possible Attempt
426865 Situation on the Battlefield
121774Balu Warrior
unknown426862 A Question of Communication
121775Mint Leaf
Kashaylan (30)
15974, 565, 36587
x: 54
y: 61
426864 A Possible Attempt
121776Katrina Tasair
121779Medical Supply Box
Syrbal Pass (25)
-2264, 1435, -7736
x: 69
y: 64
425738 Hundred Flower Essence
426075 Hundred Flower Essence
426129 Hundred Flower Essence
121780Skeletal Remains
Syrbal Pass (25)
-4162, 827, -5862
x: 58
y: 51
425827 The Secret of the White Bones
121781Occult Transport Pillar
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3669, 820, -4850
x: 61
y: 43
425865 A Magic Inscription
121782Gubod Scavenger
121783Gubod Scavenger
121784Gubod Scavenger
Syrbal Pass (25)
-7638, 1487, -9121
x: 40
y: 74
425965 A Hunter's Request
425968 Flower of Illusion
425969 The Path of the Master
Syrbal Pass (25)
-7310, 1355, -4846
x: 41
y: 43
425849 Dangerous Ingredients
425850 A Pharmacist in the Making
425851 Speedy Delivery
426079 Dangerous Ingredients
426137 Dangerous Ingredients
121787Doctor Sohazee
Syrbal Pass (25)
-6728, 1369, -5682
x: 45
y: 49
425852 Emergency Shift
426130 Emergency Shift
426138 Emergency Shift
425851 Speedy Delivery
121788Jaben Tina
Syrbal Pass (25)
-7662, 1450, -7948
x: 39
y: 66
425741 Safe Delivery
426131 Safe Delivery
426139 Safe Delivery
Syrbal Pass (25)
-7039, 1356, -4807
x: 43
y: 43
425854 The Gift of Dancing

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num pages: 508