result count: 235

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122246Energy Extraction Wreckage
Sarlo (26)
-22997, 659, -3063
x: 32
y: 25
426192 Maintenance Process
122249Patch-E Ghost
Sarlo (26)
-19883, 462, -3638
x: 45
y: 28
426197 Together Forever
122251Suspicious Location
Sarlo (26)
-19549, 1004, -233
x: 47
y: 8
426178 A Suspicious Place
122252Observation Stone Socket
Sarlo (26)
-18353, 684, -4306
x: 52
y: 32
426151 The Human Factor
426381 The Human Factor
426401 The Human Factor
122258Battered Box
Sarlo (26)
-19440, 779, -4353
x: 47
y: 32
426152 Mythical Legacy
426382 Mythical Legacy
426402 Mythical Legacy
122288Liza Swiftwind
Sarlo (26)
-20674, 471, -2745
x: 42
y: 23
122289Golder Hardjaw
Sarlo (26)
-21350, 517, -3025
x: 39
y: 25
122302Patch-E Captain
Sarlo (26)
-23437, 979, -3209
x: 30
y: 26
122304Layken Charr
Sarlo (26)
-22039, 139, -10045
x: 36
y: 66
426229 Saving the Day
426383 Saving the Day
426403 Saving the Day
122305Macca Yolee
Sarlo (26)
-22194, 131, -9863
x: 35
y: 65
426230 The Fortunate Fortune
426384 The Fortunate Fortune
426404 The Fortunate Fortune
122306Chady Worr
Sarlo (26)
-22186, 134, -10328
x: 35
y: 68
426231 Doing Nothing
426385 Doing Nothing
426405 Doing Nothing
122307Connor Caltz
Sarlo (26)
-24887, 336, -12294
x: 23
y: 80
426231 Doing Nothing
426385 Doing Nothing
426405 Doing Nothing
122308Hobb Irontooth
Sarlo (26)
-24542, 339, -12413
x: 25
y: 80
426232 Not Budging an Inch
426386 Not Budging an Inch
426406 Not Budging an Inch
Sarlo (26)
-22185, 130, -9783
x: 35
y: 65
426233 Experience with the Enemy
426387 Experience with the Enemy
426407 Experience with the Enemy
426234 Neutralizing Odors
426388 Neutralizing Odors
426408 Neutralizing Odors
122310Worr Jones
Sarlo (26)
-22354, 125, -10100
x: 34
y: 67
426235 A Bad Feeling
426389 A Bad Feeling
426409 A Bad Feeling
426236 Creating Confusion
426390 Creating Confusion
426410 Creating Confusion
122311Zhadin Bloodfang
Sarlo (26)
-22227, 121, -10926
x: 35
y: 72
426237 Bomb Disposal Expert
426391 Bomb Disposal Expert
426411 Bomb Disposal Expert
426238 Attack Rations
426392 Attack Rations
426412 Attack Rations
426236 Creating Confusion
426390 Creating Confusion
426410 Creating Confusion
Sarlo (26)
-21297, 128, -12330
x: 39
y: 80
426239 No Other Way
426393 No Other Way
426413 No Other Way
426240 Piecemeal Measures
426394 Piecemeal Measures
426414 Piecemeal Measures
426259 Waiting for Help
426349 Supply Rescue
426342 Supply Rescue
122313Energy Scholar
Sarlo (26)
-24901, 337, -12303
x: 23
y: 80
122314Liquid Lure
Sarlo (26)
-22389, 118, -11066
x: 34
y: 72
426234 Neutralizing Odors
426388 Neutralizing Odors
426408 Neutralizing Odors
122315Callicarpa Flower
Sarlo (26)
-21979, 154, -9379
x: 36
y: 62
426230 The Fortunate Fortune
426384 The Fortunate Fortune
426404 The Fortunate Fortune
122316Energy Scholar
Sarlo (26)
-24881, 337, -12271
x: 23
y: 80
122317Explosive Device
Sarlo (26)
-20920, -111, -10929
x: 41
y: 72
426235 A Bad Feeling
426237 Bomb Disposal Expert
426389 A Bad Feeling
426391 Bomb Disposal Expert
426409 A Bad Feeling
426411 Bomb Disposal Expert
122318Natal Watson
Sarlo (26)
-18469, 257, -12702
x: 52
y: 82
426259 Waiting for Help
426342 Supply Rescue
426349 Supply Rescue
122319Suspicious Floorboard
Sarlo (26)
-16581, 356, -10886
x: 60
y: 71
426255 The Secret Scroll
426340 A Concealed Record
426347 A Concealed Record
122320Mallory Shester
Sarlo (26)
-18430, 256, -12590
x: 52
y: 81
426254 Shattered Relics
426276 The Library of Ancient Texts
426339 Bethomia's History
426346 Bethomia's History
122321Shattered Stone Tablet
Sarlo (26)
-18951, 260, -12331
x: 50
y: 80
426254 Shattered Relics
426339 Bethomia's History
426346 Bethomia's History
122322Johan Saton
Sarlo (26)
-17302, 364, -12114
x: 57
y: 79
426255 The Secret Scroll
426347 A Concealed Record
426340 A Concealed Record
122323Hannis Lenhart
Sarlo (26)
-17141, 366, -12285
x: 58
y: 80
426256 Eureka!
426264 Amazing Developments
122324Hanna Rey
Sarlo (26)
-17170, 360, -12151
x: 58
y: 79
426257 Battlefield Brilliance
426258 Magic Bullets
426341 A Reverse of Fortunes
426348 A Reverse of Fortunes
122325Nonn Watson
Sarlo (26)
-17257, 363, -12242
x: 57
y: 79
426259 Waiting for Help
426342 Supply Rescue
426349 Supply Rescue

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