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num pages: 508

Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-19104, 1533, -11877
x: 90
y: 29
421278 Searching for Lorei's Message
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-29768, 240, -16915
x: 46
y: 57
421157 The Missing Boy
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-30491, 380, -16805
x: 43
y: 56
421158 Missing Weapon
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-31376, 257, -15359
x: 39
y: 48
421162 Unending Noise I
421163 Unending Noise II
421164 Unending Noise III
unknown421166 Distine's Skeleton
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-30685, 301, -13449
x: 42
y: 38
421150 Replacing Traps
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-30616, 343, -13303
x: 42
y: 37
421151 The Annoying Boars
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-31484, 278, -18834
x: 39
y: 67
421167 Gathering
421168 Drifting Messages
111178Kalish the Ice Frog
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-29152, 276, -19055
x: 49
y: 69
421170 Kiss a Girl
111179Ice Crab Chris
Aslan Valley (4)
-8783, 559, 933
x: 37
y: 81
421172 Replying to Sadera
111182Ali Fireball
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23452, 1185, -16343
x: 72
y: 54
421218 Furious Researcher
421219 High-temperature Reaction Research
421220 Researcher's Revenge
421221 The Kadmos Mercenaries
421232 Trying Their Luck
421249 The Research Team's Wisdom
111183Arthur Cutblade
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23440, 1185, -16323
x: 72
y: 54
421222 Researching Diet
421223 Needed Analysis Equipment
111184Abigail Chinmer
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23487, 1186, -16253
x: 72
y: 53
421225 Researching Wine
421226 Drunken Gnolls
111185Dom Spinner
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23493, 1185, -16236
x: 72
y: 53
421224 The Shot Researcher
421228 Taking Back the Research Materials
421227 Researching Craftsmanship
111186Dead Ice Dwarf
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-24086, 946, -15254
x: 70
y: 48
421222 Researching Diet
111187Small Wooden Box
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-24871, 853, -15640
x: 66
y: 50
421223 Needed Analysis Equipment
111188Blood-cleaning Herbs
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23786, 982, -17070
x: 71
y: 58
421224 The Shot Researcher
111189Ice Dwarf Ale Barrel
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23986, 1058, -14522
x: 70
y: 44
421225 Researching Wine
111190Wooden Box
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-23998, 1058, -14863
x: 70
y: 45
421227 Researching Craftsmanship
111191Sander Hachak
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-25693, 942, -12935
x: 63
y: 35
421261 A Mercenary Regiment under Attack
421262 Same as it Always Is
421263 The Captured Scout
421264 Confirm the Intelligence
421265 The Gnolls' Doomsday
421266 The Crucial Attack
421267 Head to Fiergen
111192Shakka Niyesh
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-24168, 801, -13175
x: 69
y: 36
111193Gunpowder Keg
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-24222, 799, -13125
x: 69
y: 36
421264 Confirm the Intelligence
421265 The Gnolls' Doomsday
421989 strings
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-27896, 783, -17245
x: 54
y: 59
421229 Archers from the Northeast
421230 Fooling the Nose
421231 Overall Fatigue
421237 Brainstorm
421238 Gutch, Leader of the Gnolls
421239 Frontline Scout
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-27891, 784, -17236
x: 54
y: 59
421233 Archers from the Northern Camp
421234 This is War
421235 Support War with War
421236 Colin, Leader of the Gnolls
111196Locota Scout
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-27487, 889, -17396
x: 55
y: 59
111197Bulging Mound
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-26944, 966, -15137
x: 58
y: 47
421230 Fooling the Nose
421237 Brainstorm
111198Poison Gas Mine
111199Grain Storage Barrel
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-28383, 758, -13288
x: 52
y: 37
421235 Support War with War

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num pages: 508