result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

Ystra Highlands (5)
-15409, 791, 291
x: 42
y: 18
421185 Prove Your Strength
421187 Even More Mysterious Essence
421188 Berhu Specimen
421189 Lost Group Member
111231Left Tent
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-28497, 809, -13688
x: 51
y: 39
111232Right Tent
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-28250, 791, -13445
x: 52
y: 38
111233Center of Camp
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-28538, 774, -13217
x: 51
y: 36
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-18347, 1484, -16048
x: 94
y: 52
421292 In Search of a Scroll
421293 A Quest for Characters
421294 Removing the Smell of Blood
421295 Investigating Once Again
421296 Unending Legends
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-18583, 1521, -14648
x: 93
y: 44
421282 Reporting to Sheor
421288 Secrets of the Dragon
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-19707, 1365, -10859
x: 88
y: 23
421279 Preparing for Departure
421280 Tracking Lorei
421291 Kabbah's Treasure Chest
421290 Dragon Meat Feast
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-19652, 1363, -10920
x: 88
y: 23
421286 Another Kind of Legend
421287 Delivering the Dragonscales
111239Hackberry Underbrush
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-18562, 1399, -16326
x: 93
y: 54
421294 Removing the Smell of Blood
111240Pure White Snowdrift
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-19576, 1499, -14601
x: 88
y: 44
421292 In Search of a Scroll
111241Treasure Chest
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-19461, 1414, -10756
x: 89
y: 23
421291 Kabbah's Treasure Chest
111242Ancient Stone Tablet
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-20062, 1632, -14594
x: 86
y: 44
421283 Investigating Legends
111243Mysterious Stone Tablet
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-20158, 1409, -14601
x: 86
y: 44
421289 Decoding Ballads
111244Stone Tablet
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-18397, 1717, -14644
x: 93
y: 44
111245Energy Stone Fragment
111247Blazing Kaiser
Ystra Highlands (5)
-13763, 779, -573
x: 49
y: 23
421297 Berhu Meat
421298 Snow Ferret Tails
421299 Where's the Relish?
421302 The Illusionary Flame Dish
421303 The Challenge
421767 Gift for an Admirer
111248Frost White
Ystra Highlands (5)
-15197, 814, 822
x: 43
y: 15
421171 Counter-Attack
421304 A Dish You Never Imagined
421305 Nearby Material
421306 Going For It
421308 Food Counterattack
Ystra Highlands (5)
-12628, 836, -2180
x: 54
y: 32
421300 Lik's Vexation
421301 Special Sauce
422000 A Berhu Feast
422001 A Snow Ferret Feast
422002 A Venison Feast
422003 Still Missing a Flavor
422005 Special Delicatessen Package
422006 The Master's Review
111250Ancient Rune Stone of the Dark
unknown421024 The Darkness Guardian
111251Mishia Sister
Obsidian Stronghold (10001)
-23492, -255, 6087
x: 38
y: 26
Aslan Valley (4)
-8649, 593, 854
x: 38
y: 82
111253Jeddar Mays
Ystra Highlands (5)
-13864, 805, -59
x: 49
y: 20
Sascilia Steppes (10)
-38233, 28, 1775
x: 27
y: 34
Dragonfang Ridge (11)
-29529, 240, -16663
x: 47
y: 55
111256Snoop the Stubborn
111257Lewis Tani
Ystra Highlands (5)
-14018, 769, -726
x: 48
y: 24
421175 Materials for Mending
421176 Equipment Return
421180 Clothes Store
111258Tyrefen Crystal

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num pages: 508