result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

123800Karver Fullright
Splitwater Coast (32)
-11418, 112, -17132
x: 60
y: 76
427179 A Merchant's Virtues
427216 The Capitalist Ethic
123801Wild Silver Cinnamon
Splitwater Coast (32)
-10530, 217, -14260
x: 64
y: 59
427179 A Merchant's Virtues
427216 The Capitalist Ethic
123802Ritz Patsig
Splitwater Coast (32)
-12143, 192, -16400
x: 56
y: 72
427180 Food Rationing
427181 Annor the Orphan
427182 In the Pursuit of Dreams
427217 Please Squire, I Want Some More
123803Annor the Orphan
Splitwater Coast (32)
-12201, 245, -15442
x: 56
y: 66
427181 Annor the Orphan
427182 In the Pursuit of Dreams
123804Carlo Rargolds
Splitwater Coast (32)
-15298, 370, -11909
x: 42
y: 45
427183 Dances with Wolf Skins
427218 Material for the Artisan
427182 In the Pursuit of Dreams
123805Sorwey Ader
Splitwater Coast (32)
-11925, 350, -12657
x: 57
y: 50
427184 The Wolves of Splitwater Coast
427185 Wrathfang
427220 Heir to the Wolf King
427219 Into the Wild
Splitwater Coast (32)
-13365, 268, -11717
x: 51
y: 44
427186 A Time of Tenderness
427221 A Time of Spice
123807Cultivated Silver Cinnamon
Splitwater Coast (32)
-13116, 280, -12196
x: 52
y: 47
427186 A Time of Tenderness
427221 A Time of Spice
Splitwater Coast (32)
-13297, 244, -10931
x: 51
y: 39
427187 Pearls and Spices
427222 Rescue the River Cockles
123809Lost River Cockle
Splitwater Coast (32)
-14690, 127, -10283
x: 45
y: 36
427187 Pearls and Spices
427222 Rescue the River Cockles
123810George Kuperli
Splitwater Coast (32)
-13771, 178, -11358
x: 49
y: 42
427188 The Looming Threat
427223 Stubborn as a Kobold
123811Simba Port
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16820, 410, -13830
x: 36
y: 57
427190 Grandfather's Treasure Box
427191 A Generous Donor
427192 The Way Back?
427133 A Message from the Sea
123812Buried Treasure
Splitwater Coast (32)
-18025, 51, -11192
x: 30
y: 41
427190 Grandfather's Treasure Box
123813Sinlo Port
Splitwater Coast (32)
-18905, 96, -11893
x: 26
y: 45
427192 The Way Back?
123814Gorto Manson
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16972, 545, -14566
x: 35
y: 61
427193 Ruins on the Open Sea
427224 The Missionaries and their Tablets
123815Stone Tablet Fragment
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16310, 14, -16305
x: 38
y: 71
427193 Ruins on the Open Sea
427224 The Missionaries and their Tablets
123816Smuggled Goods
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16501, 208, -11916
x: 37
y: 45
427195 Recovering the Smuggled Goods
427226 Putting a Stop to the Smuggling
Splitwater Coast (32)
-18347, 134, -11828
x: 29
y: 45
427196 Assault Operation
427197 Food Poisoning
427198 Doctoring the Evidence
427199 Messages in (Empty) Bottles
427227 Attack, Attack, Attack!
427230 Warning Notes
427228 Mushroom, Mushroom!
427229 Who Needs Doctors?
123818Poisonous Mushrooms
Splitwater Coast (32)
-18747, 95, -11857
x: 27
y: 45
427197 Food Poisoning
427228 Mushroom, Mushroom!
123819Pirate Grub
Splitwater Coast (32)
-18904, 98, -11873
x: 26
y: 45
427197 Food Poisoning
427228 Mushroom, Mushroom!
123820Empty Wine Bottle
Splitwater Coast (32)
-19627, 91, -11844
x: 23
y: 45
427199 Messages in (Empty) Bottles
427230 Warning Notes
123821Nuara Slug
Splitwater Coast (32)
-12040, 112, -17734
x: 57
y: 80
427130 The Armor of the Intrepid
427212 The Shellfish Gene
123822Jarda Mon
Arcanium Chamber (81)
-57, -108, -149
x: 50
y: 49
Splitwater Coast (32)
-17011, 337, -13598
x: 35
y: 55
427194 Smugglers' Tunnel
427225 The Tunnel of Bandits
123824Old Scripts
Splitwater Coast (32)
-11206, 594, -15539
x: 61
y: 67
427135 The Secret of the Totems
427215 Myths of the Gods

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num pages: 508