result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

123980Transport Wagon
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-8432, 553, -1819
x: 39
y: 66
427276 Goods Escort
427306 Escort Duty
427315 Escort Duty
123981Location for Placing Magic Stones
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-9782, 740, 1769
x: 33
y: 44
427281 Talisman Barrier
427320 Replacing Talisman Fragments
427328 Replacing Talisman Fragments
123982Burning Effect Object
123984Special Effect After Placement
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-10174, 659, 2568
x: 32
y: 40
427284 Groucho Gone Walkabout
427323 Here Puss Puss
427331 Here Puss Puss
123986Stabilizing Talisman
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-3579, 868, 5061
x: 61
y: 25
427289 Unlimited Energy
427336 The Cost of Magic
427345 The Cost of Magic
123987Energy Influx Effect
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-4435, 883, 5458
x: 57
y: 23
427290 Check the Traps
427337 Laros' Prey
427346 Laros' Prey
123989Ball Trap with Special Effect
123991Golden Grass Pile
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-4426, 624, 3536
x: 57
y: 34
427292 A Pot of Potion
427339 All About Preparation
427348 All About Preparation
123992Giant Ostrich Egg
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-4220, 1019, 6274
x: 58
y: 18
427292 A Pot of Potion
427339 All About Preparation
427348 All About Preparation
123993Fishing Rod
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-5921, 459, 2990
x: 50
y: 37
427292 A Pot of Potion
427339 All About Preparation
427348 All About Preparation
123994Fessman Botter
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-5958, 459, 3005
x: 50
y: 37
123995Potion Kettle
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-3852, 843, 2380
x: 60
y: 41
123996Ounni Flealeg
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-10586, 337, -2181
x: 30
y: 68
123997Borth Westou
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-8342, 553, -1794
x: 40
y: 65
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-8256, 556, -1845
x: 40
y: 66
123999Staigo Targos
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-8337, 556, -1756
x: 40
y: 65
124000Erna Targos
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-8668, 637, -2280
x: 38
y: 68
124001Hoor Kaylis
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-10380, 336, -2154
x: 31
y: 68
124002Fjel Copperheart
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-6523, 486, -98
x: 48
y: 55
124003Cheekalo Ironnet
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-6448, 555, 435
x: 48
y: 52
124004Malimali Firetong
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-6403, 486, -47
x: 48
y: 55
124005Phattz Mallet
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-6481, 486, 122
x: 48
y: 54
124006Dubious Pile of Books
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-3193, 873, 4838
x: 63
y: 26
427294 Theft of Intellectual Property
124007Dijki Ironspade
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-8280, 627, 1226
x: 40
y: 48
124008Parsie Redtail
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-3873, 753, 3007
x: 60
y: 37
124009Asina Toothstump
Moorlands of Farsitan (33)
-4390, 761, 2735
x: 57
y: 39

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num pages: 508