result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

124340Experiment Documents
Korris (35)
2185, 372, 1175
x: 65
y: 47
427500 Research Data from the Frost Camp
427523 Guessing the Plans
124341Yagista Beluti
Korris (35)
-2140, -18, -612
x: 36
y: 63
427486 Keeping the Camp Secret
427516 Keeping the Secret
124342Gustav Nielitsky
Korris (35)
-2081, -18, -456
x: 36
y: 61
427487 Dangers of the Secret Grove
427517 Troubles with Wild Animals
124343Yinnsha Quthaf
Korris (35)
-2137, -20, -222
x: 36
y: 59
427488 Sting Like a Bee
427518 Stunning Stingers
124344Oyzilee Nynima
Korris (35)
-2104, -18, -611
x: 36
y: 63
427489 Deodorizers
427531 Pungent Deodorizers
124345Tiddy Farzlo
Korris (35)
1397, 103, -743
x: 59
y: 64
427490 Mountain Herbs
427519 Thank God for Alchemy
124346Hieronymos Marsyar
Korris (35)
603, 60, -1824
x: 54
y: 74
427491 Scouting in Safety
427532 Thinning the Inexorable League's Ranks
124347Nikkolt Jiro
Korris (35)
1401, 102, -861
x: 59
y: 65
427492 Ceremonial Items
427533 Analyzing the Spatial Magic Rituals
124348Weinar Nong
Korris (35)
-1159, -2, -1926
x: 42
y: 75
427493 The Altar's Keepers
427534 Scealoks of the Altar
124349Luhalla Angelo
Korris (35)
-2328, -2, -321
x: 34
y: 60
427494 From the Altar, Darkness
427535 Shadows of Terror
124350Manu Synada
Korris (35)
-747, 66, -543
x: 45
y: 62
427495 Clearing the Path
427536 Clearing the Way
124351Leo Uluqilara
Korris (35)
-1263, 214, 1464
x: 42
y: 44
427496 Protecting the Icefog Camp
427537 Defense of the Icefog Camp
124352Arwenla Harqil
Korris (35)
-1301, 214, 1220
x: 41
y: 47
427497 Upland Boar Meat
427520 Succulent Boar Meat
124353Ayma Leicarlot
Korris (35)
-1497, 215, 1175
x: 40
y: 47
427498 Biting Cold, Warming Pelts
427521 Unusual Temperatures
124354Minong Marluqi
Korris (35)
-1445, 211, 1291
x: 40
y: 46
427499 Korrisian Fluctuations
427522 Upland and Lowland Fluctuations
124355Sawahl Rycho
Korris (35)
-1314, 218, 1185
x: 41
y: 47
427500 Research Data from the Frost Camp
427523 Guessing the Plans
124356Wettikar Pulup
Korris (35)
-1358, 212, 1188
x: 41
y: 47
427501 The Frost Camp Altar
427538 Manipulating the Frost Camp Altar
124357Yngur Harmur
Korris (35)
-1261, 215, 1238
x: 42
y: 46
427502 Meeting Reports from the Frost Camp
427524 Proof of Deceit
124358Djer Charles
Korris (35)
-1501, 215, 1194
x: 40
y: 47
427503 Cibel's Right Hand
427539 When the Cat's Away
124359Belleya Basati
Korris (35)
-1294, 220, 1179
x: 41
y: 47
427504 Corrupted Cyclopes
427525 Hearts of the Eye of Frost
124360Yehtor Lunn
Korris (35)
589, 399, 2685
x: 54
y: 33
427505 Weakening the Cyclopes
427540 Kill the Eye of Frost Commanders
124361Leko Marq
Korris (35)
631, 414, 2642
x: 54
y: 34
427506 Breaking their Morale
427526 Eliminate the Priests of the Eye of Frost
124362Kelly Marstil
Korris (35)
-1508, 215, 1372
x: 40
y: 45
427507 The Eye of Frost Altar
427541 Manipulating the Eye of Frost Altar
124363Leonardoro Arnultodort
Korris (35)
-1385, 214, 1372
x: 41
y: 45
427508 Minotaur Gear
427527 The Little Uses for Big Equipment
124364Zarah Barl
Korris (35)
-1270, 219, 1171
x: 41
y: 47
427509 The Corrupted Minotaurs
427528 The Hearts of the Snow Fortress
124365Jarnath Vernan
Korris (35)
-1969, 361, 3675
x: 37
y: 25
427510 Weakening the Minotaurs
427542 Destroying the Minotaur Totems
124366Orlanna Barrule
Korris (35)
-1882, 356, 3589
x: 37
y: 25
427511 The Snow Fortress Altar
427543 Manipulating the Snow Fortress Altar
124367Alderan Melarz
Korris (35)
-1586, 216, 1385
x: 39
y: 45
427512 The Red Mask of Corruption
427529 Cure for Corruption
124368Barilla Carmelino
Korris (35)
-2038, 360, 3516
x: 36
y: 26
427513 Strange Surging Magic Energy
427530 Strange Energy on the Ice Blade Plateau
124369Amanda Yallen
Korris (35)
-1909, 362, 3672
x: 37
y: 25
427514 Sealing the Spatial Magic Core
427544 Inhibiting the Dark Magic Emissions

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num pages: 508