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num pages: 508

124370Spatial Magic Core
Ice Blade Plateau (Easy) (183)
985, 535, -1505
x: 57
y: 81
427514 Sealing the Spatial Magic Core
427544 Inhibiting the Dark Magic Emissions
124371Meeting Report
Korris (35)
2224, 376, 1244
x: 65
y: 46
427502 Meeting Reports from the Frost Camp
427524 Proof of Deceit
124372Minotaur Totem of Worship
Korris (35)
-3644, 537, 4738
x: 26
y: 15
427510 Weakening the Minotaurs
427542 Destroying the Minotaur Totems
124373Magic Crystal
Korris (35)
-2520, 446, 3851
x: 33
y: 23
427512 The Red Mask of Corruption
427529 Cure for Corruption
124374Surging Magic Energy
Ice Blade Plateau (Hard) (181)
1590, 59, 4285
x: 61
y: 29
427513 Strange Surging Magic Energy
427530 Strange Energy on the Ice Blade Plateau
124375Kili Robson
Korris (35)
1584, 104, -693
x: 61
y: 64
427452 Arlya's New Discovery
427454 Deliver Report
Korris (35)
1588, 103, -716
x: 61
y: 64
124377Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-2250, -19, -533
x: 35
y: 62
427455 The Other Altars
Korris (35)
-2101, -19, -221
x: 36
y: 59
427456 More Incantographs
427459 To the Altar of the Dying Sea
124379Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-1322, -2, -1882
x: 41
y: 74
427460 Destruction of the Inexorables
427461 Destruction of the Darkwind Talisman
427462 Back to the Citadel Outpost
124380Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-2245, -21, -596
x: 35
y: 63
427463 To the Darkfell Altar
124381Kerley Hill
Korris (35)
-3415, 85, -686
x: 27
y: 63
427464 Reduce the Number of Allies
427466 Blockade of the Darkfell Altar
427468 Long-awaited Information
124382Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-3430, 67, -524
x: 27
y: 62
427465 Plunder Supplies
427467 Why So Cooperative?
124383Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-2269, -18, -510
x: 35
y: 62
427469 Off to Icefog Camp
124384Lemondis Coyz
Korris (35)
-1460, 213, 1309
x: 40
y: 46
427470 Gather Supplies in the Highlands
427471 Report from Frost Camp
427476 Comprehensive Report
124385Investigative Scout
Korris (35)
1240, 359, 1791
x: 58
y: 41
427472 Report from the Eye of Frost
124386Investigative Scout
Korris (35)
661, 413, 2619
x: 54
y: 34
427473 Report from the Snow Fortress
124387Investigative Scout
Korris (35)
-1866, 285, 4048
x: 38
y: 21
427474 Styptic Herbs
427475 The Scout's Report
124388Young Minotaur
Korris (35)
-1797, 270, 4056
x: 38
y: 21
124389Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-1500, 215, 1202
x: 40
y: 47
427477 The Leader of the Cyclopes
427478 The Young Minotaur's Report
124390Kerley Hill
Korris (35)
-1297, 215, 1340
x: 41
y: 45
427479 Cibel the Mediator
427480 The Truth about the Displacement Spell
Korris (35)
-1518, 215, 1216
x: 40
y: 47
Korris (35)
-1278, 215, 1326
x: 41
y: 46
124393Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-1858, 281, 4027
x: 38
y: 22
427481 Battle with the Minotaur Warlord
124394Kerley Hill
Korris (35)
-1837, 279, 4114
x: 38
y: 21
Korris (35)
-1820, 274, 4043
x: 38
y: 21
124396Aydan Highlander
Korris (35)
-4581, 539, 4388
x: 19
y: 18
427482 Prevent the Ritual of Displacement
427483 A New Spatial Connection
Tasuq (34)
-4267, 522, -2895
x: 15
y: 75
427484 Onward to Enoch
124398Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
1581, 537, 4436
x: 63
y: 17
427546 The Magic Detectors
427547 Help for Arlya
124399Kerley Hill
Korris (35)
-1524, 215, 1199
x: 40
y: 47

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