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num pages: 508

124400Zeyj's Arcanium Communication Crystals
124401Gray Citadel Transport Portal
124403Shadow Altar
Korris (35)
714, 65, -2713
x: 55
y: 82
427453 Investigating the Shadow Altar
124404Altar of the Dying Sea
Korris (35)
-1657, -10, -2682
x: 39
y: 81
427461 Destruction of the Darkwind Talisman
124405Darkfell Altar
Korris (35)
-4102, 88, -746
x: 23
y: 64
427466 Blockade of the Darkfell Altar
124406Altar in the Frost Camp
Korris (35)
2210, 353, 1576
x: 65
y: 43
427501 The Frost Camp Altar
427538 Manipulating the Frost Camp Altar
124407Altar in the Eye of Frost
Korris (35)
1387, 444, 3831
x: 59
y: 23
427507 The Eye of Frost Altar
427541 Manipulating the Eye of Frost Altar
124408Altar of the Frigid Wastelands
Korris (35)
-4321, 681, 4879
x: 21
y: 14
427511 The Snow Fortress Altar
427543 Manipulating the Snow Fortress Altar
124409Air Spring
Korris (35)
-2632, 17, -326
x: 32
y: 60
427457 Search for Materials
124410Water Spring
Korris (35)
-1878, -57, -1246
x: 37
y: 68
427457 Search for Materials
124411Earth Spring
Korris (35)
-2289, -52, -1149
x: 35
y: 68
427457 Search for Materials
124412Oracle Crystal
124413Weapons Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124414Equipment Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124415Potion Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124416General Merchant of the Hand of Balance
124417Warlina Neeson
124418Douv Shiras
Enoch (36)
1462, 534, 4512
x: 62
y: 16
427581 Danger Lying in Wait
427626 Leonin lying in wait
124419Thommar Dhakars
Enoch (36)
1693, 544, 4507
x: 63
y: 16
427582 A Light in the Darkness
427611 Burning Torches in the Darkness
124420Kyuka Pulugol
Enoch (36)
1610, 538, 4446
x: 63
y: 17
427583 Scientific Evidence
427612 The true scientific proof
Enoch (36)
-2328, 143, 3210
x: 34
y: 29
427584 The Ancient Beast of Enoch
427613 The Ancient Bloodthirsty Beast of Enoch
Enoch (36)
-3052, 201, 3582
x: 29
y: 25
427585 Blood of Purity
427614 Blessing Blossom
Enoch (36)
-2083, 141, 3538
x: 36
y: 26
427586 Steal secret information
427627 Seal the Information Leak
Enoch (36)
-1920, 140, 3639
x: 37
y: 25
427587 Not the Will of the Gods
427615 No Divine Will
Enoch (36)
-1847, 137, 3586
x: 38
y: 25
427588 Malicious Unknown Devices
427628 New Unknown Devices All the Time
Enoch (36)
-1764, 142, 3517
x: 38
y: 26
427589 The Release of Eternal Sleep
427616 The Release of Eternal Sleep
124427Saleb Ayib
Enoch (36)
-419, -15, 259
x: 48
y: 57
427590 Bothersome Revenant Bloodsuckers
427617 I want to finally get to sleep!
124428Margie Kerluak
Enoch (36)
-515, 72, 2103
x: 47
y: 40
427591 Twilight Swamp Mud
427618 Dark Magic Twilight Mud
Enoch (36)
-558, 75, 2153
x: 47
y: 39
427592 Deforestation
427629 Hunt for Decayed Entlings

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num pages: 508