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num pages: 508

124460Lake Water
Enoch (36)
-3022, 90, 365
x: 29
y: 56
427602 Healing Lake Water
427622 Lake Water to Heal Wounds
124461Tree Spirit Crystal
Enoch (36)
-2355, 238, -726
x: 34
y: 67
427605 Amulet of Decay Resistance
427625 Spell Amulet
124462Supply Materials
Enoch (36)
-3128, 192, -2376
x: 29
y: 83
427606 Destruction of the Supplies
427635 Destroy Supplies
124463Order Documents
Enoch (36)
-2589, 121, -1438
x: 32
y: 74
427607 In Search of Key Documents
427636 Gather Documents
124464Decay Generator
Enoch (36)
-1346, 190, -2111
x: 41
y: 80
427608 Reversing the Foul Generators
427637 With all your Power!
124465Research Document
Enoch (36)
1331, 11, 769
x: 61
y: 52
427563 Where is the research document?
Enoch (36)
1663, 541, 4425
x: 63
y: 17
427548 Soil and Air
427549 The Jadefang Outpost
124467Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
-2256, 139, 3667
x: 35
y: 24
427550 The Intent of the Leonine
Enoch (36)
-2261, 139, 3691
x: 35
y: 24
Enoch (36)
-2177, 139, 3796
x: 35
y: 23
427551 Put to the Test
Enoch (36)
-1999, 143, 3386
x: 37
y: 27
427552 The First Trial
Enoch (36)
-1926, 140, 3568
x: 37
y: 25
427553 The Second Trial
Enoch (36)
-2241, 139, 3765
x: 35
y: 23
427554 The Third Trial
Enoch (36)
-2165, 139, 3713
x: 36
y: 24
Enoch (36)
-2219, 139, 3696
x: 35
y: 24
124475Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-2249, 139, 3760
x: 35
y: 24
427555 Passing Time
427556 Help Build the Shadowpurge Camp
124476Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
-2225, 139, 3756
x: 35
y: 24
Enoch (36)
-2179, 139, 3724
x: 35
y: 24
124478Lemondis Coyz
Enoch (36)
-442, 75, 2008
x: 48
y: 40
427557 The Plans of the Elven Siblings
427560 Meeting with Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-281, 81, 2184
x: 49
y: 39
427558 The Power of Nature against the Decay
Enoch (36)
-265, 81, 2232
x: 49
y: 38
427559 Sowing Discord
124481Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-543, 75, 2168
x: 47
y: 39
427561 Outside the Sanctuary
124482Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
157, 0, 827
x: 52
y: 52
427564 Defeat the Decayed High Priest
124483Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
209, 0, 854
x: 53
y: 52
427562 Reversing the Corrupting Magic Pushing Device
Enoch (36)
207, 0, 879
x: 53
y: 51
427563 Where is the research document?
124485Kili Robson
Enoch (36)
-1544, 168, 229
x: 40
y: 58
Enoch (36)
-1554, 168, 235
x: 40
y: 58
427566 Kili in Danger
427567 Waiting for News
427568 A Strategy to Rescue the Prisoners
124487Aydan Highlander
Enoch (36)
-1633, 167, 289
x: 39
y: 57
427569 Liberating the Angren
427570 Throttling the Corruptive Magic Generators
124488Kerley Hill
Enoch (36)
-1615, 166, 305
x: 39
y: 57
Enoch (36)
-1627, 167, 335
x: 39
y: 57

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num pages: 508