result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

124520Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
257, 26, 3727
x: 57
y: 15
427657 The Chief of the Sharptooth Settlement
124521Kerley Hill
Vortis (37)
260, 27, 3714
x: 57
y: 15
427660 A Sleeping Draft Especially for Dragons
427661 Where's Arlya?
Vortis (37)
295, 64, 3312
x: 58
y: 19
Vortis (37)
1402, 80, 4310
x: 66
y: 10
427662 A Substitute for the Sleeping Mint
427663 Stubborn Arlya
124524Murlido Hooktooth
Vortis (37)
513, 26, 3850
x: 59
y: 14
427658 Minas' Minions
427659 Dragonwatch on the Mountain Pass
124525Kerley Hill
Vortis (37)
388, 26, 3544
x: 58
y: 17
427664 Advance to the Scarlet Pass
124526Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
623, 189, 2298
x: 60
y: 29
427665 The Mountain Pass Guardians
427666 Remove the Protection Crystals
124527Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
981, 295, 1143
x: 62
y: 40
427667 Tracking Minas
124528Kerley Hill
Vortis (37)
992, 297, 1130
x: 63
y: 40
427668 Kerley Hill's Conclusions
Vortis (37)
1026, 305, 1134
x: 63
y: 40
427669 Arlya's Conclusions
124530Aydan Highlander
Vortis (37)
1266, 284, 1274
x: 65
y: 39
427670 Prevent the Soul Requiem
427671 The Great Discovery
Tasuq (34)
-4312, 522, -2809
x: 15
y: 74
427672 The Last Island in the Shataem Archipelago!
124532Kerley Hill
Chassizz (38)
204, -236, -3999
x: 44
y: 84
427736 Protect the Dawn Encampment
427737 Check the Defensive Device
Vortis (37)
-49, 351, -3491
x: 55
y: 85
427676 Salt in the Desert
427706 No More Heat Shock
Vortis (37)
-95, 364, -3715
x: 55
y: 87
427677 Mission: Earth Elementals
427721 Kicking Up Some Dust
124535Hatt Ned
Vortis (37)
-161, 359, -3732
x: 54
y: 87
427678 The Origin of the Earth Elementals
427722 Where Did All this Dust Come From?
124536Shanis Kats
Vortis (37)
57, 364, -3600
x: 56
y: 86
427679 Sandstorm Viper Fang
427707 An Antidote
124537Wayde Paul
Vortis (37)
-27, 357, -3553
x: 55
y: 85
427680 Fake Cacti
427708 Cactus Tubers
Vortis (37)
517, 147, -731
x: 59
y: 58
427681 Mission: Canine Bandits
427723 Clearing out the Bandits
124539Pacy Packs
Vortis (37)
537, 148, -741
x: 59
y: 58
427682 The Bandits' Hoard
124540Dacks Mavison
Vortis (37)
-293, 358, -3665
x: 53
y: 86
427683 Pattern of the Dark Magic Circle
427709 The Researcher's Fondness
124541Greng Shmer
Vortis (37)
-236, 358, -3550
x: 54
y: 85
427684 Green Grass of the Path
427710 A Taste of the Sea
124542Searl Tytos
Vortis (37)
-94, 364, -3677
x: 55
y: 87
427685 Moving Rocks
427711 Imitation Rocks
124543Carly Tarkar
Vortis (37)
-1085, 198, 345
x: 48
y: 48
427686 The Leader on the Path
427724 A Tough Cookie
124544Callie Osis
Vortis (37)
-1553, 48, 3060
x: 44
y: 22
427687 Dangerous Water Mission
427712 A Poisonous Water Resource
124545Mita Sjubold
Vortis (37)
-1920, 0, 3174
x: 42
y: 21
427688 Water Isn't the Only Problem
427713 Scarecrow
124546Ida Marten
Vortis (37)
-1453, 43, 3000
x: 45
y: 22
427689 Attack of the Yasheedees
427725 Onslaught of the Gluttons
124547Liri Scott
Vortis (37)
-1447, 46, 3198
x: 45
y: 20
427690 The Pincers of Frantic Scorpions
427726 Pincer Shields
Vortis (37)
-1355, 75, 3287
x: 46
y: 19
427691 Boshi Milk Express
427714 An Unforgettable Aroma
Vortis (37)
590, 26, 3696
x: 60
y: 15

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num pages: 508