result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

124580Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
444, -57, -2669
x: 46
y: 71
427739 Death to the Undead!
427741 Mazzren Reaps Again!
427742 Into the Ashwood Forest
Chassizz (38)
460, -57, -2661
x: 46
y: 71
427740 A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Rifts Go Down
124582Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
1040, 85, -2631
x: 51
y: 71
124583Kerley Hill
Chassizz (38)
1060, 88, -2631
x: 51
y: 71
427743 Dangerous Flora
427744 In veneno, sanitas
427745 The Seed of Corruption
427746 Into the Demon Mountains
124584Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
1584, 200, -4691
x: 55
y: 91
427747 Soulless Guardians
427748 Destroying the Crystal Transmitters
427749 The Last Temptation of Minas
427750 The Next Camp
124585Lemondis Coyz
Chassizz (38)
2558, 0, -2967
x: 62
y: 74
427751 Trouble with Fire Elementals
427752 Cooling Down
427753 Bridge Over Troubled Magma
124586Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
2396, 62, -2167
x: 61
y: 66
427754 The Naga Blockade
427755 Eliminating the Naga Captain
427756 Barricades of Steel
124587Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
2466, 97, 27
x: 61
y: 44
427757 The Naga Have Eyes
427758 Cutting the Naga Supplies
427759 The Doomhold
124588Kerley Hill
Chassizz (38)
2466, 97, 45
x: 61
y: 44
Chassizz (38)
2465, 97, 55
x: 61
y: 44
Chassizz (38)
2454, 210, 1745
x: 61
y: 27
427760 Riders of the Apocalypse
427761 The Final Control Point
124591Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
3287, 221, 2585
x: 67
y: 19
427762 Through the Fire and Flame Barriers
427763 Showdown with Eosis the Ashbringer
124592Aydan Highlander
Chassizz (38)
5118, 154, 3044
x: 81
y: 14
427764 The Enchanted Naga Fortress
427765 Chaos in the Celestial Spire
427766 The Naga Leader
124593Kerley Hill
Chassizz (38)
5139, 154, 3009
x: 81
y: 15
427767 Zhargos' Motives
Chassizz (38)
5147, 154, 3033
x: 81
y: 14
Chassizz (38)
389, -237, -3871
x: 46
y: 83
124596Kerley Hill
Chassizz (38)
2373, 59, -2186
x: 60
y: 66
Chassizz (38)
2376, 57, -2197
x: 60
y: 66
124598Kerley Hill
Chassizz (38)
5099, 155, 3027
x: 81
y: 14
427767 Zhargos' Motives
124599Kerley Hill
124600Aydan Highlander
124601Unknown Canine
124605Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Chassizz (38)
238, -244, -4240
x: 45
y: 87
124606Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Chassizz (38)
199, -240, -4197
x: 44
y: 86
124607Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Chassizz (38)
218, -237, -4163
x: 44
y: 86
124608Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Chassizz (38)
275, -242, -4222
x: 45
y: 86
124609Small Doomhold Transport Portal
Chassizz (38)
2357, 0, -2949
x: 60
y: 74

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num pages: 508