result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

124641Magical Defense Device
Chassizz (38)
-413, -279, -3813
x: 40
y: 82
427737 Check the Defensive Device
124642Spatial Fissure
Chassizz (38)
-330, 0, -2085
x: 40
y: 65
427740 A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Rifts Go Down
124643Crystal Transmitter
Chassizz (38)
1741, 203, -4472
x: 56
y: 89
427748 Destroying the Crystal Transmitters
124644Cooling Crystal
Chassizz (38)
2172, -18, -3133
x: 59
y: 76
427752 Cooling Down
124645Protective Barricade
Chassizz (38)
2614, 147, -1800
x: 62
y: 62
427756 Barricades of Steel
124646Supply Materials
Chassizz (38)
3272, 98, -287
x: 67
y: 47
427758 Cutting the Naga Supplies
124647Small Scorching Sun Camp Transport Portal
Chassizz (38)
2396, 216, 1705
x: 61
y: 27
124648Flame Altar
Chassizz (38)
4045, 219, 2714
x: 73
y: 17
427762 Through the Fire and Flame Barriers
124649Huge Shattered Sword
Chassizz (38)
-87, 22, -1965
x: 42
y: 64
427774 Secrets of the Rivensword
427803 The Rivensword
124650Lumps of Wood
Chassizz (38)
1045, 93, -1490
x: 51
y: 59
427777 Quality Charcoal
427806 Quality Materials
Chassizz (38)
2220, 208, -4643
x: 59
y: 91
427780 In Search of Relic Fragments
427807 Fragments of Energy
124652Glowing Magma
Chassizz (38)
3295, -192, -1558
x: 67
y: 60
427782 Eruptive Reasoning
427809 Magma Energy
124653Combat Equipment
Chassizz (38)
4298, 155, 2792
x: 75
y: 17
427797 Sabotage
427828 Destroy the Combat Equipment
124654Powerful Rune Energy
unknown427798 Primordial Energy
427815 A Warning for Posterity
124655Magical Defense Device
124657Gunpowder Keg
Chassizz (38)
2601, 95, 566
x: 62
y: 39
427789 Adulterated Gunpowder
427822 All Powder No Puff
124658Ruined City Gates
Chassizz (38)
3979, 242, 2991
x: 72
y: 15
427794 The Great Barrier
427814 Another Great Barrier?
124659Gray Citadel Transport Portal
124661Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
124662Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Vortis (37)
-189, 357, -3409
x: 54
y: 84
124663Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Vortis (37)
-119, 354, -3497
x: 55
y: 85
124664Member of the Combat Unit of the Hand of Balance
Vortis (37)
-189, 354, -3493
x: 54
y: 85
124665Guard of the Sharptooth Settlement
124666Guard of the Sharptooth Settlement
124667Gray Citadel Transport Portal
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
-24223, -207, 3614
x: 22
y: 79
420713 Honor Title
420714 Honor Title
420715 Honor Title
420716 Honor Title
420717 Honor Title
420718 Honor Title
420719 Honor Title
420720 Honor Title
420721 Honor Title
420722 Honor Title
420723 Honor Title
420724 Honor Title
420725 Honor Title
420726 Glorious Prince

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num pages: 508