result count: 15215

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num pages: 508

112494Bomb VIII
Tutorial (100)
3466, 0, 4138
x: 45
y: 48
421865 Defeat the Spiders
112498Michelle Lang
112499Trevor Haymore
Weeping Coast (7)
23070, 1, 23955
x: 71
y: 33
422118 Non-Harmonious Water Elemental
422119 Miraculous Water Bone Leaf Ointment
422120 Water Elemental Power
422121 Irrigate the Water Bone Leaves.
422122 Pure Core
422123 Mature Water Bone Leaf
422124 Power of the King of the Water
422127 Exposing a Conspiracy
112500Herbal Medicine Case
Weeping Coast (7)
23886, -100, 25177
x: 75
y: 25
422118 Non-Harmonious Water Elemental
112501Water Bone Leaf
112502Jaden Angus
Varanas (10000)
5093, 103, -2415
x: 51
y: 56
112503Kekai Wabbit
Aslan Valley (4)
-5319, 548, 3170
x: 56
y: 65
112505Fertile Soil
Weeping Coast (7)
23135, 1, 23995
x: 71
y: 32
422121 Irrigate the Water Bone Leaves.
422123 Mature Water Bone Leaf
Weeping Coast (7)
24496, -128, 25467
x: 77
y: 24
422125 Imprisonment
422126 Admonition of the King of the Water
422136 Showing Reverence
422137 Protection of the King of the Water
422138 King of the Water's Blessing
422351 Obtain Blessing
422715 Zanordoth - The Water Dragon King
112507Yilian Zashu
Weeping Coast (7)
22033, -22, 23102
x: 67
y: 38
422128 Song of the Forest
422129 Happiness of the Ents
422130 Chaotic Water Elemental Power
422131 Going to the Tiktaalik Village
422135 An Audience with the King of the Water
422139 Hidden in the Forest
112508Mavate Daviny
Weeping Coast (7)
20526, 0, 22283
x: 60
y: 43
422059 Take what you deserve
422060 Investigation
422061 Thorny Individuals
420629 The Monster's True Identity
420689 Following Orders
422349 Collaboration with the Tiktaalik
112509Loley Yingli
Weeping Coast (7)
20650, 6, 21719
x: 60
y: 46
422057 Save the Villagers
422058 Report Clues
112510Dajen Lege
Weeping Coast (7)
20008, 21, 21754
x: 58
y: 46
422225 When Vengeance is the Only Road
112511Noxi B'shao
Weeping Coast (7)
20684, 0, 22039
x: 61
y: 44
422055 Auntie in Danger!
422056 The Bard Said...
112512Maybeli Mamila
Weeping Coast (7)
19555, 0, 20643
x: 56
y: 52
422062 Unusual Researchers
422063 Just Like That
422089 Don't call it "stealing"...
421836 Applause for them
112513Hasij Faylis
Weeping Coast (7)
18106, 0, 18955
x: 49
y: 62
422064 Doomsday?
422065 Searching for a Ray of Hope
422066 Fully Entrusted
112514Dilar Yeli
Weeping Coast (7)
21881, 0, 19092
x: 66
y: 61
422067 Priceless Treasure
422069 Research Analysis
422070 An Offer of Aid
112515Tanad Laya
Weeping Coast (7)
20655, 9, 20234
x: 60
y: 55
112516Lokin Kajad
Weeping Coast (7)
20975, 20, 22521
x: 62
y: 41
422231 Supply Officer's Angst
420620 Fort Supplies
Weeping Coast (7)
15911, -15, 14879
x: 39
y: 86
422074 Getting to The Bottom of Things
422075 Response to the Investigation
422350 Request Assistance
422352 Friendly Response
422353 Contact Sequitee
Weeping Coast (7)
15934, 0, 19371
x: 40
y: 60
422071 That Day's Nightmare
421899 Start Again
Weeping Coast (7)
17006, 0, 19045
x: 44
y: 62
422072 Proof of Power
422073 A Visit to the Old Priest

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num pages: 508