113934 | Craft Festival Cashier (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4047, 55, 6110 x: 56 y: 54 | | |
114366 | Jessie Mocliff (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -9282, -255, 6273 x: 38 y: 53 | 422992 Questions Are Asked 422996 Help Aren 423005 Informing Jessie 422993 The Good Village of Medanor
| |
114367 | General Lance (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4283, 272, 8889 x: 55 y: 41 | 422989 General Lance 422985 A Squire's First Mission 423012 Dalanis City 422990 Problems at the Council of Lords 422991 Ambassador to Aren 423013 Meeting the King 423222 Message from Kandor 423225 First Visit to Shador 424214 Troop Dispatch 424216 Envoys' Whereabouts 424217 Full Preparations 424218 Arrival of the Lords 424219 Temporary Council of Lords 424222 Bestowal Ceremony
| |
114368 | "Iron Rose" Iswan (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4259, 230, 8708 x: 55 y: 42 | 422984 Knighting Ceremony
| |
114369 | Callaway Kalume (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4305, 286, 8922 x: 55 y: 41 | | |
114374 | Madila (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -5236, 72, 6960 x: 51 y: 50 | 422933 Source of the Stench
| |
114377 | Aliena Silyn (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4705, 112, 7555 x: 53 y: 47 | | |
114378 | Liliana Silyn (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -9764, -160, 11473 x: 36 y: 29 | | |
114387 | Aren Handmaiden Dress (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -9318, -156, 11281 x: 38 y: 30 | | 423007 Find the Murderer
114388 | Accessory (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -9231, -148, 11251 x: 38 y: 30 | | 423007 Find the Murderer
114389 | Nif Gushiya (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -5060, 72, 6748 x: 52 y: 51 | | |
114390 | Chad Paier (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -2803, 55, 8025 x: 60 y: 45 | | |
114416 | Bar Bouncer (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -3503, 84, 8151 x: 57 y: 44 | | |
114417 | Barba Pinca (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -1014, 229, 2155 x: 66 y: 72 | 421028 Throw a Pango on the Spit 421030 Pig in a Pond's Helper 421031 Special Barbecue Spices
| |
114418 | Herb George (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -1901, 537, 4990 x: 63 y: 59 | 421032 Collect Scattered Wood 422931 Collect Special Herbs
| |
114419 | Rohan Tefugai (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -5258, 103, 6503 x: 51 y: 52 | 421033 Brain Eraser 421034 Dragonslayer Pub Helper 421039 Carrion helper 421210 Mysterious sobering liquid ingredients
| |
114420 | Sueke Haragen (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4120, 55, 6083 x: 55 y: 54 | 421273 Daily Patrol 421274 Lost Wallets 421275 Eliminate Evil Bandits 421276 Ferocious Giant Sewer Rats 421277 Eliminate the Source of Sewer Odor
| |
114421 | Chuanpo Gelan (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -3395, 59, 6180 x: 58 y: 53 | 421614 Giant Rat Pouch 422048 Hard Insect Wings 422049 Take the Eggs 421595 Favorite of Lady and Miss
| |
114422 | Claudia Sharay (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -6341, 17, 5639 x: 48 y: 56 | 422050 Pain of the Lost Son
| |
114423 | James Klisa (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4064, 16, 764 x: 55 y: 78 | 422051 Steal Antidote 422052 Stolen Memory
| |
114424 | Geraya Pan (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -9581, -247, 6024 x: 37 y: 54 | 422053 Pie Filling 422112 Love Pie Delivery
| |
114425 | Little Luja (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -9633, -254, 6124 x: 36 y: 54 | 422113 Cutest Chupura
| |
114426 | Anzomeda Bluestar (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -11533, -492, 10925 x: 30 y: 32 | 422857 Collect Centaur Fortune Stones 422858 Centaur Hunting 422859 Beautiful Feathers
| |
114437 | Pile of Books (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4670, 81, 6636 x: 53 y: 51 | | 423047 Returning Gift
114438 | Bartender (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -3652, -66, 8186 x: 57 y: 44 | 422932 Purchasing stock and cleaning
| 427962 Magic Wall Clock 427973 Amusement for Labor III
114439 | Danny Coblin (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -3620, -66, 8171 x: 57 y: 44 | 423027 Trouble Outside the Bar 423028 Blood Test 423029 Talking to the Vagrant
| |
114443 | Slovenly Vagrant (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -5163, 72, 6828 x: 52 y: 50 | | |
114444 | Bobby Jean (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4914, 72, 6635 x: 53 y: 51 | | |
114446 | Morrok Wallinder (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -4899, 72, 6608 x: 53 y: 51 | 423030 Early Morning Starlight
| |
114447 | Vagrant Ike (strings) (strings) | Thunderhoof Hills (15) -5659, 62, 6928 x: 50 y: 50 | 423031 Seeking Information
| |