result count: 188

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num pages: 7

116752Bulha Ballusha
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16514, 176, -9419
x: 37
y: 31
Splitwater Coast (32)
-12219, 192, -16707
x: 56
y: 74
123176Bodwin Daniels
Splitwater Coast (32)
-14402, 161, -10268
x: 46
y: 36
424939 The Northern Stronghold
123354Lorrn Williams
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16039, 152, -9302
x: 39
y: 30
424987 The Great Overseer's Little Secret
424988 The Reclusive Explorer
424993 The Commander's Suspicions
425266 No War Without Bullets
427201 Suspicious Ship Components
123410Glems Sarburn
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16643, 176, -9335
x: 36
y: 30
123411Milint Anruth
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16599, 176, -9360
x: 37
y: 30
123412Teresa Bankha
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16621, 176, -9318
x: 37
y: 30
123413Edis Panka
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16552, 176, -9372
x: 37
y: 30
123414Penelope Lindagh
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16606, 176, -9335
x: 37
y: 30
123415Dorothea Aiden
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16565, 176, -9356
x: 37
y: 30
123416Lars Bianco
Splitwater Coast (32)
-16578, 176, -9354
x: 37
y: 30
123534Old George
Splitwater Coast (32)
-19255, 337, -8528
x: 25
y: 25
424989 The Mark of the Explorer
424992 An Evil Presaged
425425 A Strange Request
425794 The Eternal Scout
123537Tocharis Rummond
Splitwater Coast (32)
-15284, 386, -11578
x: 42
y: 43
427151 Suspicions
424994 Master Detective Soshaka
425061 General Mobilization
426200 Bartas Farm Under Threat
427121 Fresh Talent for the Falcon Regiment
427127 The Imperial Scouts
123538Soshaka Wormwing
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9084, 482, -10722
x: 70
y: 38
424997 Working for Trust
424998 Uninvited Guests at the Meeting
424994 Master Detective Soshaka
123540Soshaka Wormwing
Splitwater Coast (32)
-10008, 740, -7778
x: 66
y: 21
424999 An Axis of Evil
425056 Istye's Secret
425057 An Inconspicuous Truth
123550Soshaka Wormwing
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9210, 169, -9429
x: 69
y: 31
425058 Distracting the Guards
425060 Uncovering the Plot
123551Suspicious Note
Splitwater Coast (32)
-15205, 201, -8640
x: 43
y: 26
424810 Wisdom of the Ages
123553Soshaka Wormwing
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9884, 39, -9310
x: 66
y: 30
425059 The Whole Truth
123558Food Bundle
Splitwater Coast (32)
-14899, 237, -8705
x: 44
y: 26
425173 Saving is a Virtue
427234 In Store for Winter
123566Emeli Westfarn
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9718, 428, -13393
x: 67
y: 54
426201 Rumors of a Failed State
426203 The Ambush
427178 The Rescue Operation
427177 A Great Honor
123567Bodwin Daniels
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9759, 426, -13386
x: 67
y: 54
426202 The Hero from Foreign Lands
426320 Analyzing the Scene of the Attack Scene
424810 Wisdom of the Ages
123568Foley Lunder
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9852, 420, -13439
x: 67
y: 54
426201 Rumors of a Failed State
123569Cheney Baedbeker
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9274, 162, -15151
x: 69
y: 64
427093 Gaps in the Ranks
427094 The Hostages and the Ambush
427117 The True Enemy
427166 Origins of the Mystery Men
427175 Origins of the Mystery Men
427159 Escape Route
427169 Free the Hostages
426202 The Hero from Foreign Lands
123570Wader Fabio
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9171, 234, -14661
x: 70
y: 61
427108 The Stubborn Old Architect
427170 Go Back Whence You Came!
426202 The Hero from Foreign Lands
123571Bartas Farm Bulletin Board
Splitwater Coast (32)
-10382, 374, -13094
x: 64
y: 52
426203 The Ambush
123572Bodwin Daniels
Splitwater Coast (32)
-10369, 374, -13070
x: 64
y: 52
426961 No Ordinary Peasant
123573Peasant Crate
Splitwater Coast (32)
-10066, 379, -13125
x: 66
y: 52
426961 No Ordinary Peasant
123574Old Hoe
Splitwater Coast (32)
-9802, 373, -13832
x: 67
y: 57
426961 No Ordinary Peasant
123575Bodwin Daniels
Splitwater Coast (32)
-10626, 344, -13778
x: 63
y: 56
426962 At the Peasant Assembly
427092 The Chalk Canyon Outpost
123579Chalk Canyon Cage
Splitwater Coast (32)
-8163, 253, -16170
x: 74
y: 70
427094 The Hostages and the Ambush
427169 Free the Hostages

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num pages: 7