113361 | Kopz Merka (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10920, 971, 26302 x: 63 y: 70 | | |
113362 | Nors Pluto (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10908, 970, 26319 x: 63 y: 70 | | |
113363 | Tanthise'leysi (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10846, 973, 26298 x: 63 y: 70 | | |
113364 | Gina Icar (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10910, 970, 26365 x: 63 y: 70 | | |
113365 | Shars Mifus (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -11097, 972, 26283 x: 62 y: 70 | | |
113366 | Molly Jean (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -11243, 969, 26385 x: 62 y: 70 | | |
113433 | Strange Stone Fragment (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10416, 1158, 26548 x: 65 y: 69 | | |
113434 | Brazier (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -9249, 813, 26778 x: 69 y: 68 | | |
113435 | Herb Cluster (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -11567, 897, 26092 x: 61 y: 71 | | 422728 Young Ladies' Secret
113436 | Lormilus (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -9026, 813, 26512 x: 70 y: 69 | | |
113442 | Yumidug (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10450, 1067, 27407 x: 65 y: 65 | 422737 Outsider Rescue 422738 Manticore Threat? 422739 The Art of Communication
| |
113443 | Alliwaiz (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -9441, 827, 26795 x: 68 y: 68 | 422740 Interrogation 422741 Years Ago 422742 Proof of Innocence 422743 Fire Liquor Delivery 422744 Saying Goodbye to the Past
| |
113444 | Moli Gerdoli (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -9410, 1068, 27288 x: 68 y: 66 | 422729 Rescued Soldier 422730 Preparing to Set Off 422773 Battle Status Report 422731 Using the Equipment
| |
113445 | Shalidor (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10360, 1023, 26221 x: 65 y: 71 | 422726 Lost Mimi 422727 Friendly Trade
| |
113446 | Gracernia (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -9833, 1055, 27346 x: 67 y: 65 | 422728 Young Ladies' Secret 422736 Common Secret
| |
113448 | Elson Jinkerna (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -12853, 703, 22514 x: 56 y: 88 | 422732 Freeing Fire Monsters 422735 Multiple Teams 422772 Elson's Choice
| |
113449 | Tegan Feylidor (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -12819, 711, 22530 x: 56 y: 88 | 422733 Obstructing Progress
| |
113450 | Gorman Armani (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -12892, 693, 22520 x: 56 y: 88 | 422734 Destroying the Furnace
| |
113451 | Furnace Controller (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -15727, 77, 24130 x: 46 y: 81 | | 422734 Destroying the Furnace
113453 | Lordelain (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -8215, 767, 24008 x: 73 y: 81 | 422672 Dealing With Scouts 422673 Setting up Traps 422674 Managing Provisions 422675 Usable Supplies
| |
113454 | Haman (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -7450, 482, 24470 x: 75 y: 79 | 422671 Watchtower
| |
113455 | Apat (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -11117, 972, 26156 x: 62 y: 71 | 422676 Apat's Plan 422677 Help Captain Yashina 420947 What Made the Flame Devils Attack? 420948 Fire Being Reports 420949 Quest to the Infernal Gate 422698 Dimarka Support 422699 Respect for a Hero 422758 Inspired by Nature 422761 Assault Plan 422950 Warning Appears
| |
113456 | Trap Position (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -8612, 763, 23784 x: 71 y: 82 | | 422673 Setting up Traps
113457 | Discarded Weapon (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -8863, 726, 23883 x: 70 y: 82 | | 422675 Usable Supplies
113458 | Yashina (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -13774, 780, 24638 x: 53 y: 78 | 422678 Block? Help? 422679 Ruined Appetite 422680 Supporting the Front Line 422686 Route Blocked 422687 Scarlet Snake Guard Detail 422688 Military Intelligence 422689 Tampering with Confidential Letters 422692 Street Sweeping 422693 Mafrur's Reaction 422695 Mafrur's Secret 422697 Strike Mafrur 422774 Curtain Call Fireworks
| |
113459 | Rumpleston (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10646, 1093, 29175 x: 64 y: 57 | 422700 Taming Techniques 422701 Start with Manticore Young 422702 Submit to Power 422703 Defeat Their King 422704 Fitting Into Manticore Life 422705 Trying Human Food 422706 Building a Rapport 422707 Exercise in Futility
| |
113460 | Felinska (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -8189, 767, 23986 x: 73 y: 81 | | |
113467 | Mardike (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -10319, 1023, 26974 x: 65 y: 67 | 420943 Healing Medicine 420945 Legend of Titans' Hill
| |
113469 | Injured Scout (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -9889, 1016, 26820 x: 67 y: 68 | 420946 An Ambushed Scout
| |
113470 | Strange Metal Fragment (strings) (strings) | Aotulia Volcano (9) -11190, 916, 22549 x: 62 y: 88 | 420950 The Metal Fragment and the Fire Being
| |