result count: 1

600271Recipe - Helmet of the Abandoned Fortress
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Plate Armor of the Abandoned Fortress
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Leggings of the Abandoned Fortress
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Light Helm of the Toxic Plague
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Light Armor of the Toxic Plague
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Light Leggings of the Toxic Plague
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Leather Cap of the Mysterious Tablet
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Leather Coat of the Mysterious Tablet
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Leather Leggings of the Mysterious Tablet
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Developer's Headgear
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Developer's Robe
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Developer's Leggings
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Cape of Infinite Joy
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Shield of Mystery
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Abandoned Broadsword
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Sword of the Fortress
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Great Axe of the Toxic Plague
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Hand Axe of the Toxic Plague
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Heavy Hammer of the Mysterious Tablet
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Hammer of the Mysterious Tablet
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Black Swamp Blade
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Black Swamp Bow
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Developer's Staff
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Black Swamp Giant Crossbow
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Developer's Wand
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Recipe - Eye of the Magic Beast
> 140 x Ancient Mementos(9)
repair: 1
buyrate: 100
sellrate: 10