result count: 1

600564Manakaza's Shield Blade of Invincibility
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Sword of the Battle Phalanx
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Tatarwiak's Ferocious Great Axe
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Elite Hand Axe of the Beast
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Lismomo's Heavy Battle Hymn Hammer
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Banka Light Hammer of Wrangling
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Kinya's Ambush Bow
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Unbalanced Barrier Blade
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Yarnatha's Staff of Unrestraint
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Fusion Staff of Rebirth
> 3080 x Ancient Mementos(9)
repair: 1
buyrate: 100
sellrate: 10