result count: 2

Satin Coat
Silver Striped Sash
Satin Trousers
Swordman's Satin Handguards
Swordman's Boots
Swordman's Shoulder Guards
Oracle Cap
Robe of the Holy City
Mage's Belt
Preacher's Soft Trousers
Ceremonial Gloves
Soft Boots of Convenience
Shoulder Guards of the Mage
Satin Cloak
repair: 1
buyrate: 100
sellrate: 10
600296Spire Hood
Resilient Coat
Composite Cloth Belt
Traveler's Leg Guards
Cloth Handguards
Traveler's Boots
Traveler's Shoulder Guards
Traveler's Hood
Noble's Robe
Belt of Nobility
Soft Spun-gold Trousers
Silk Gloves
Soft Boots of Nobility
Gorgeous Cloth Shoulder Guards
Satin Coat
Silver Striped Sash
Satin Trousers
Swordman's Satin Handguards
Swordman's Boots
Swordman's Shoulder Guards
Oracle Cap
Robe of the Holy City
Mage's Belt
Preacher's Soft Trousers
Ceremonial Gloves
Soft Boots of Convenience
Shoulder Guards of the Mage
repair: 1
buyrate: 100
sellrate: 10