result count: 1

600603Protective Helmet of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Protective Breastplate of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Protective Shoulder Armor of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Protective Combat Boots of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Massacre Helmet of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Massacre Breastplate of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Massacre Shoulder Armor of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Massacre Combat Boots of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Dark Magic Helmet of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Dark Magic Breastplate of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Dark Magic Shoulder Armor of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Dark Magic Combat Boots of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Speed Mask of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Speed Coat of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Speed Shoulder Armor of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Speed Leather Boots of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Hood of the Ice Blade Wizard
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Robe of the Ice Blade Wizard
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Shoulder Plates of the Ice Blade Wizard
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Battle Boots of the Ice Blade Wizard
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Combat Hood of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Combat Robe of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Combat Shoulder Guards of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Combat Boots of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Healing Headdress of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Healing Robe of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Healing Shoulder Pads of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
Healing Boots of the Ice Blades
> 1540 x Ancient Mementos(9)
repair: 1
buyrate: 100
sellrate: 10