result count: 1

600636Recipe - Proof of Craftsman's Spirit
> 10 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Heart of Wisdom
> 10 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Grasp of Accuracy
> 10 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Spirit of Invention
> 10 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Fearlessness of Artisanry
> 20 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Courage of Artisanry
> 20 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Wisdom of Artisanry
> 20 x Badges of the Trial(8)
Recipe - Redemption of Artisanry
> 20 x Badges of the Trial(8)
repair: 0
buyrate: 100
sellrate: 10