ID: 100419

guid: 100419
classification: 1
outputlanguage: -1
name: Tempest Height Hunter
name_plural: 0
imageid: 572962
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: Dust Devil Canyon has been an area unsuitable for cultivation since ancient times. But what it lacks in vegetation it makes up for with an abundance of animals. The barbarians that dwell in Tempest Height have developed an exceptional hunting culture that breeds strong warriors who become truly fearsome in battle.
shortnote: 0
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exprate: 100
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level: 43
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wis: 0
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dropmoney_base: 0
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HP: 3538
MP: 1818
PDMG: 293
PATK: 929
PDEF: 1839
MATK: 369
MDEF: 1995
ATKSpeed: 3
worldmap_x: 65
worldmap_y: 33
xp: 233
tp: 233