ID: 101531

guid: 101531
classification: 1
outputlanguage: -1
name: Will's Curse
name_plural: 0
imageid: 576396
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: The actual effects and form of the curse Will placed on his own golden goblet and treasure are not clear. Rumor has it that while Will was away on a long voyage, he obtained a curse rune of unmatched strength. In order to protect his own people's treasures he used this curse on them. It is said that the requirements for enacting the curse are related to his own people's bloodline, but whatever they are, it seems that [101532|Loyal Talomo] has successfully unleashed the power of the curse.
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HP: 700622
MP: 4051
PDMG: 5233
PATK: 8505
PDEF: 10027
MATK: 5763
MDEF: 10114
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xp: 5160
tp: 51602