ID: 101859

guid: 101859
classification: 1
outputlanguage: -1
name: Pirate Veteran
name_plural: 0
imageid: 577532
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: Young pirates too often rely on brute force to defeat their opponents. More experienced pirates know that the strength of men is nothing when compared to the power of the ocean.
shortnote: 0
mode: 0
pricestype: 0
selltype: 0
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revivetime: 180
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wis: 0
dex: 0
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dropmoney_base: 0
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y: 32
z: 14767
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limitrace_Race1: 0
limitrace_Race2: 0
limitrace_Race3: 0
limitrace_Race4: 0
limitrace_Race5: 0
limitrace_Race6: 0
limitrace_Race7: 0
limitrace_Race8: 0
limitrace_Race9: 0
limitsex_Male: 0
limitsex_Female: 0
limitsex_Unknown: 0
itemeqtype_Unarmed: 0
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effect1_UseMagicDisable: 1
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effect1_Raise: 1
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effect1_Client_Sleep: 1
effect1_PKFlag: 1
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effect1_GPS: 1
effect1_PKFlag_Disabled: 1
effect1_AI_LowAttackPriority: 1
effect1_StopOntimeCure: 1
effect2_Silence: 0
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effect2_GoodPhyInvincible: 0
effect2_Guilty: 0
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effect2_Hunter: 0
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effect2_IgnoreInstancePlayer: 0
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HP: 6027
MP: 2897
PDMG: 418
PATK: 1078
PDEF: 3235
MATK: 893
MDEF: 3243
ATKSpeed: 3
worldmap_x: 43
worldmap_y: 87
xp: 468
tp: 468