ID: 102239

guid: 102239
classification: 1
outputlanguage: -1
name: Rufa Chief
name_plural: 0
imageid: 578491
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: Bodos think that the taller somebody is, the higher their status should be. But they aren't dumb enough to wear tall hats in battle. They have another kind of hat that they wear in battle.
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limitsex_Unknown: 0
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HP: 10119
MP: 3172
PDMG: 257
PATK: 817
PDEF: 4517
MATK: 979
MDEF: 4521
ATKSpeed: 3
worldmap_x: 0
worldmap_y: 0
xp: 217
tp: 87