ID: 105483

guid: 105483
classification: 1
outputlanguage: -1
name: Scavenger Chupura
name_plural: 0
imageid: 581866
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: With so many adventurer corpses lying around, the Chupuras have started to incorporate them into their diet. That said, if there aren't any corpses around, they will still pounce on an adventurer that they think is easy prey.
shortnote: 0
mode: 0
pricestype: 0
selltype: 0
cost: 0
buyunit: 0
revivetime: 60
rare: 0
generaterate: 0
maxworldcount: 0
limitvoc: 0
limitrace: 0
limitsex: 0
limitlv: 0
limitstr: 0
limitsta: 0
limitint: 0
limitmnd: 0
limitagi: 0
livetimetype: 0
livetime: 0
acsearchtype0: 0
acsearchtype1: 0
acsearchtype2: 0
itemeqtype: 0
specialmoneycost: 0
itagid: 124
race: 4
vocation: 0
vocation_sub: -1
sex: 0
exprate: 120
tprate: 120
level: 46
levelrange: 0
str: 0
sta: 0
int: 0
wis: 0
dex: 0
movespeed: 130
searchrange: 100
dropmoney_base: 0
dropmoney_rand: 0
dropid1: 720011
droprate1: 5000
dropid2: 720142
droprate2: 10000
dropid3: 724185
droprate3: 2000
dropid4: 724180
droprate4: 2000
dropid5: 723982
droprate5: 10000
dropid6: 0
droprate6: 0
dropid7: 0
droprate7: 0
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dropid9: 0
droprate9: 0
dropid10: 0
droprate10: 0
dropid11: 0
droprate11: 0
dropid12: 0
droprate12: 0
dropid13: 0
droprate13: 0
dropid14: 0
droprate14: 0
dropid15: 0
droprate15: 0
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dropabilityrate2: 0
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dropabilityrate3: 0
dropability4: 0
dropabilityrate4: 0
dropability5: 0
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dropabilityrate6: 0
mainhandeq1: 0
mainhandeq2: 0
mainhandeq3: 0
mainhandeq4: 0
mainhandeq5: 0
sechandeq1: 0
sechandeq2: 0
sechandeq3: 0
sechandeq4: 0
sechandeq5: 0
iquestmode: 0
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iquestid9: 0
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iquestid16: 0
iquestid17: 0
iquestid18: 0
iquestid19: 0
iquestid20: 0
brave: 0
linktype: 0
escapetype: 0
spellrighttime1: 3
spelltarget1: 1
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spellmagic1: 494239
spellmagiclv1: 5
spellstring1: 0
spellrighttime2: 0
spelltarget2: 0
spellrate2: 0
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spellrighttime7: 0
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spellrate7: 0
spellmagic7: 0
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spellrighttime8: 0
spelltarget8: 0
spellrate8: 0
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titletype: 0
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iquestnpcrefid: 0
db_resistid: 6
resisttype: 0
resist_earth: 35
resist_water: 0
resist_fire: 0
resist_wind: -35
resist_light: 0
resist_darkness: 0
stealitemorgid1: 0
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stealitemorgid2: 0
stealitemrate2: 0
stealitemorgid3: 0
stealitemrate3: 0
stealmoney_base: 0
stealmoney_rand: 0
avoidmagictype1: -1
avoidmagictype2: -1
avoidmagictype3: -1
avoidmagictype4: -1
avoidmagictype5: -1
effect1: 4294967295
effect2: 0
racegrouptype: 0
iquestobjtype: 0
keepdistance: 0
orgweapontype: 0
orgarmortype: 0
followrange: 600
raisechangenpcid1: 0
raisechangenpcid2: 0
raisechangerate1: 0
raisechangerate2: 0
isabilitystandard: 1
abilityvalue1: 0
abilityvalue2: 0
eqtype1: 25
eqtype2: 134
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eqtype4: 170
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eqtype6: 167
eqtype7: 168
eqtype8: 22
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eqtype10: 17
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eqtypevalue3: 16
eqtypevalue4: 17
eqtypevalue5: 0
eqtypevalue6: 87
eqtypevalue7: 0
eqtypevalue8: 5
eqtypevalue9: 5
eqtypevalue10: 5
eqtypeonattackmagicrate: 10
eqtypeonattackmagicrank: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicid: 0
titlename: 0
phyresistrate1: 1
phyresistrate2: 1
phyresistrate3: 1
zoneid: 14
x: 9424
y: -9
z: 10359
zoneid_bk: -1
boweq: 0
campid: 3
killgroupid: -1
addpowerlv: 0
otherflag: 0
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deqtypevalue2: 0
deqtypevalue3: 0
deqtypevalue4: 0
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specialdropitemtype: 0
minabilitylv: 40
ornamenteq: 0
npcmode: 29
itagid2: 124
carrycount: 0
carrytype: 0
searchgroupid: 0
carryshootrange: 0
carryshootangle: 0
eqextype1: 0
eqextype2: 0
eqextype3: 0
eqextype4: 0
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eqextypevalue7: 0
eqextypevalue8: 0
eqextypevalue9: 0
eqextypevalue10: 0
mode_Show: 0
mode_Mark: 0
mode_Obstruct: 0
mode_Gravity: 0
mode_Save: 0
mode_Drag: 0
mode_GMHide: 0
mode_IsAllZoneVisible: 0
mode_DisableRotate: 0
mode_GM_NpcHide: 0
mode_Remove: 0
mode_RelyOwnerPower: 0
mode_IgnoreNpcKill: 0
mode_EnemyHide: 0
mode_NotShowHPMP: 0
mode_NoFix_Y: 0
mode_Strikback: 0
mode_Move: 0
mode_Searchenemy: 0
mode_Revive: 0
mode_Fight: 0
mode_Escape: 0
mode_SearchenemyIgnore: 0
mode_AlignToSurface: 0
mode_HideName: 0
mode_HideMinimap: 0
mode_ShowRoleHead: 0
mode_CollisionPlot: 0
mode_Treasure: 0
mode_IsPet: 0
mode_DisableAction: 0
mode_DisableMovePG: 0
limitvoc_GM: 0
limitvoc_WARRIOR: 0
limitvoc_RANGER: 0
limitvoc_THIEF: 0
limitvoc_MAGE: 0
limitvoc_AUGUR: 0
limitvoc_KNIGHT: 0
limitvoc_WARDEN: 0
limitvoc_DRUID: 0
limitvoc_HARPSYN: 0
limitvoc_PSYRON: 0
limitvoc_DUELIST: 0
limitvoc_unk12: 0
limitvoc_unk13: 0
limitvoc_unk14: 0
limitvoc_unk15: 0
limitvoc_unk16: 0
limitvoc_unk17: 0
limitrace_Race0: 0
limitrace_Race1: 0
limitrace_Race2: 0
limitrace_Race3: 0
limitrace_Race4: 0
limitrace_Race5: 0
limitrace_Race6: 0
limitrace_Race7: 0
limitrace_Race8: 0
limitrace_Race9: 0
limitsex_Male: 0
limitsex_Female: 0
limitsex_Unknown: 0
itemeqtype_Unarmed: 0
itemeqtype_Blade: 0
itemeqtype_Dagger: 0
itemeqtype_Wand: 0
itemeqtype_Axe: 0
itemeqtype_Bludgeon: 0
itemeqtype_Claymore: 0
itemeqtype_Staff: 0
itemeqtype_Axe_2H: 0
itemeqtype_Hammer_2H: 0
itemeqtype_Polearm: 0
itemeqtype_Bow: 0
itemeqtype_CossBow: 0
itemeqtype_Gun: 0
itemeqtype_Throw: 0
itemeqtype_HeavyArmed: 0
itemeqtype_LightArmed: 0
itemeqtype_Leather: 0
itemeqtype_Clothes: 0
itemeqtype_Robe: 0
itemeqtype_Shield: 0
itemeqtype_Implement: 0
itemeqtype_SecondHand: 0
effect1_UseMagicDisable: 1
effect1_UsePhyDisable: 1
effect1_BadMagicInvincible: 1
effect1_BadPhyInvincible: 1
effect1_UseItemDisable: 1
effect1_SearchEmenyDisable: 1
effect1_Stop: 1
effect1_Cover: 1
effect1_DetectCover: 1
effect1_Sneak: 1
effect1_DetectSneak: 1
effect1_Blind: 1
effect1_HitDown: 1
effect1_Trace: 1
effect1_PlayDead: 1
effect1_Insure: 1
effect1_Chaos: 1
effect1_Fear: 1
effect1_LockTarget: 1
effect1_WeaponIgnore: 1
effect1_ArmorIgnore: 1
effect1_Ride: 1
effect1_Raise: 1
effect1_ExpProtect: 1
effect1_Client_Dizzy: 1
effect1_Client_Sleep: 1
effect1_PKFlag: 1
effect1_TeleportDisable: 1
effect1_GPS: 1
effect1_PKFlag_Disabled: 1
effect1_AI_LowAttackPriority: 1
effect1_StopOntimeCure: 1
effect2_Silence: 0
effect2_CliOutofContorl: 0
effect2_Freeze: 0
effect2_GoodMagicInvincible: 0
effect2_GoodPhyInvincible: 0
effect2_Guilty: 0
effect2_Critial: 0
effect2_Hunter: 0
effect2_NoEscape: 0
effect2_DisableJobSkill: 0
effect2_IgnoreDeadGoodEvil: 0
effect2_ExchangeZoneDamageEvent: 0
effect2_Fly: 0
effect2_WaterWalk: 0
effect2_GravityDisable: 0
effect2_DisableStrikeBack: 0
effect2_DisableWagon: 0
effect2_IgnoreInstancePlayer: 0
effect2_TitleSysPowerUp: 0
effect2_MagicSpell_ZeroTime: 0
effect2_MagicSpell_Moveable: 0
effect2_MagicSpell_NoCost: 0
otherflag_ForceAttachkWeapon: 0
npcmode_IsNoMPSP: 1
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npcmode_IsShowNpcPos: 1
npcmode_AutoRotate: 1
npcmode_IsShowMaster: 1
npcmode_NoRandReborn: 0
npcmode_ClientDelNoWaitting: 0
npcmode_Prompt: 0
npcmode_Treasure: 0
npcmode_SearchEnemyAllDir: 0
npcmode_HideRaceInfo: 0
npcmode_IgnoreNpcKill: 0
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npcmode_IsAttackFirst: 0
npcmode_Invisible_InWagon: 0
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npcmode_DisableTreasureDrop: 0
npcmode_IsTrapObj: 0
npcmode_NoFadein: 0
npcmode_IgnorePvPRule: 0
npcmode_RideAttackable: 0
npcmode_ScriptFlag: 0
npcmode_NoReturnAttackPoint: 0
HP: 5353
MP: 2554
PDMG: 330
PATK: 902
PDEF: 2739
MATK: 787
MDEF: 2763
ATKSpeed: 3
worldmap_x: 68
worldmap_y: 26
xp: 323
tp: 388