ID: 109291

guid: 109291
classification: 1
outputlanguage: -1
name: Tasuqian Panther
name_plural: 0
imageid: 578523
imagebackup: 0
maxheap: 0
note: These big cats are at home in the [ZONE_TUSKE_JUNGLE|dense thickets] of [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq], and sit at the top of the food chain in the jungle. Since their regular environment has come under the influence of spatial transfer magic, they have become much more irritable.
shortnote: 0
mode: 0
pricestype: 0
selltype: 0
cost: 0
buyunit: 0
revivetime: 90
rare: 0
generaterate: 0
maxworldcount: 0
limitvoc: 0
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limitsex: 0
limitlv: 0
limitstr: 0
limitsta: 0
limitint: 0
limitmnd: 0
limitagi: 0
livetimetype: 0
livetime: 0
acsearchtype0: 0
acsearchtype1: 0
acsearchtype2: 0
itemeqtype: 0
specialmoneycost: 0
itagid: 141
race: 4
vocation: 0
vocation_sub: -1
sex: 0
exprate: 120
tprate: 120
level: 97
levelrange: 1
str: 2500
sta: 2500
int: 2500
wis: 2500
dex: 2500
movespeed: 150
searchrange: 120
dropmoney_base: 0
dropmoney_rand: 0
dropid1: 720011
droprate1: 5000
dropid2: 720142
droprate2: 10000
dropid3: 723989
droprate3: 10000
dropid4: 725984
droprate4: 2000
dropid5: 725985
droprate5: 2000
dropid6: 725986
droprate6: 100
dropid7: 725987
droprate7: 100
dropid8: 771730
droprate8: 100
dropid9: 0
droprate9: 0
dropid10: 0
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dropid12: 0
droprate12: 0
dropid13: 0
droprate13: 0
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mainhandeq4: 0
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sechandeq3: 0
sechandeq4: 0
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iquestid19: 0
iquestid20: 0
brave: 0
linktype: 0
escapetype: 0
spellrighttime1: 2
spelltarget1: 0
spellrate1: 100
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spellmagiclv1: 2
spellstring1: 0
spellrighttime2: 3
spelltarget2: 1
spellrate2: 100
spellmagic2: 851768
spellmagiclv2: 2
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titletype: 0
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iquestnpcrefid: 0
db_resistid: 0
resisttype: 0
resist_earth: 15
resist_water: 0
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resist_light: 0
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stealitemorgid1: 0
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stealitemorgid2: 0
stealitemrate2: 0
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stealmoney_base: 0
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avoidmagictype1: -1
avoidmagictype2: -1
avoidmagictype3: -1
avoidmagictype4: -1
avoidmagictype5: -1
effect1: 4294967295
effect2: 0
racegrouptype: 0
iquestobjtype: 0
keepdistance: 0
orgweapontype: 0
orgarmortype: 0
followrange: 400
raisechangenpcid1: 0
raisechangenpcid2: 0
raisechangerate1: 0
raisechangerate2: 0
isabilitystandard: 1
abilityvalue1: 0
abilityvalue2: 0
eqtype1: 25
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eqtype4: 170
eqtype5: 23
eqtype6: 167
eqtype7: 168
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eqtype10: 17
eqtypevalue1: 301
eqtypevalue2: 317
eqtypevalue3: 317
eqtypevalue4: 318
eqtypevalue5: 0
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eqtypevalue7: 0
eqtypevalue8: 5
eqtypevalue9: 5
eqtypevalue10: 5
eqtypeonattackmagicrate: 10
eqtypeonattackmagicrank: 0
eqtypeonattackmagicid: 0
titlename: 0
phyresistrate1: 1
phyresistrate2: 1
phyresistrate3: 1
zoneid: 34
x: 890
y: -4
z: -682
zoneid_bk: -1
boweq: 0
campid: 3
killgroupid: -1
szluainitscript: Cl_ZoneMonster_Bico_RandBuff
addpowerlv: 0
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npcmode: 28
itagid2: 141
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carryshootrange: 0
carryshootangle: 0
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eqextypevalue9: 0
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mode_Show: 0
mode_Mark: 0
mode_Obstruct: 0
mode_Gravity: 0
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mode_GMHide: 0
mode_IsAllZoneVisible: 0
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mode_RelyOwnerPower: 0
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mode_NotShowHPMP: 0
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mode_AlignToSurface: 0
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mode_CollisionPlot: 0
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mode_IsPet: 0
mode_DisableAction: 0
mode_DisableMovePG: 0
limitvoc_GM: 0
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limitvoc_RANGER: 0
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limitvoc_MAGE: 0
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limitvoc_KNIGHT: 0
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limitvoc_unk13: 0
limitvoc_unk14: 0
limitvoc_unk15: 0
limitvoc_unk16: 0
limitvoc_unk17: 0
limitrace_Race0: 0
limitrace_Race1: 0
limitrace_Race2: 0
limitrace_Race3: 0
limitrace_Race4: 0
limitrace_Race5: 0
limitrace_Race6: 0
limitrace_Race7: 0
limitrace_Race8: 0
limitrace_Race9: 0
limitsex_Male: 0
limitsex_Female: 0
limitsex_Unknown: 0
itemeqtype_Unarmed: 0
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effect1_UseMagicDisable: 1
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effect1_Fear: 1
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effect1_Raise: 1
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effect1_Client_Sleep: 1
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effect2_Silence: 0
effect2_CliOutofContorl: 0
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effect2_Guilty: 0
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HP: 566718
MP: 24805
PDMG: 3834
PATK: 33390
PDEF: 100504
MATK: 8034
MDEF: 100745
ATKSpeed: 3
worldmap_x: 48
worldmap_y: 56
xp: 1796
tp: 2155