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num pages: 4425

Z36_QUEST427604_01You've already captured enough [109466|Mutated Demon Weeds].
Z36_QUEST427604_02You captured a [109466|Mutated Demon Weed].
Z36_QUEST427604_03The [109466|Mutated Demon Weed] has escaped.
Z36_QUEST427604_04[109466|Mutated Demon Weed] caught
Z36_QUEST427604_05You need to fight the [109466|Mutated Demon Weed] before catching it.
Z36_QUEST427604_06What you've caught isn't a [109466|Mutated Demon Weed].
Z37_QUEST427646_01You suddenly hear a voice commanding you to stand still...
Z37_QUEST427646_02Stop! Stop! Don't get too close to the circle!
Z37_QUEST427646_03It's one of Minas the Soul Corrupter's traps. If you pass it, it could cost you your life!
Z37_QUEST427646_04If you want to get to the other side of the island, you'll have to head west. There's another way there.
Z37_QUEST427646_05No sooner had the stranger given his warning than he was gone again...
Z37_QUEST427660_01You already have [243534|Lakon's Blood].
Z37_QUEST427660_02You have [243534|Lakon's Blood].
Z37_QUEST427660_03Failed to take blood!
Z37_QUEST427660_04Blood Sample
Z37_QUEST427660_05First you must fight with [109669|Lakon] in order to take blood from him.
Z37_QUEST427660_06That's not [109669|Lakon] who you're fighting with there.
Z37_QUEST427664_02[109669|Lakon] falls into a light sleep.
Z37_QUEST427664_03[109669|Lakon] cannot be sedated right now.
Z37_QUEST427664_04Using the Draft
Z37_QUEST427664_05First you must fight with [109669|Lakon] in order to administer the draft.
Z37_QUEST427664_06This draft is only effective against [109669|Lakon].
Z37_QUEST427668_01You already have enough [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpora].
Z37_QUEST427668_02You have caught a [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus] in your net.
Z37_QUEST427668_03The [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus] escaped.
Z37_QUEST427668_04Hunting for Soul Corpora...
Z37_QUEST427668_05You need to fight the [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus] before you can catch it.
Z37_QUEST427668_06What you've caught isn't a [109664|Nonsentient Soul Corpus].
Z37_QUEST427669_01You have already collected all the fluctuation data.
Z37_QUEST427669_03The specially made [243533|Fluctuation Sensor] doesn't show any fluctuations in the environment.

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num pages: 4425