result count: 3

Sys100372_nameGárgola chillonaScreaming Gargoyle
Sys100372_name_pluralGárgolas chillonasScreaming Gargoyles
Sys100372_shortnoteUn tipo de estatua mágica cuya apariencia es la de un Demonio, pero que obtiene su capacidad de moverse gracias a Runas especiales. Hay gente que cree que son criaturas mágicas creadas por la Demoneidad en tiempos antiguos. Su aspecto es muy parecido al de las estatuas de piedra y son famosas por tender emboscadas a las personas que pillan desprevenidas.A type of magical statue whose appearance is rather demonic, but which derive their ability to move from special runes. Some people believe that these are magical creatures created by the demons in ancient times. Their appearance is very similar to that of stone statues, and they have been known to ambush people they catch unawares.