result count: 3

Sys100872_nameMamut de tundra furiosoEnraged Ice Plain Mammoth
Sys100872_name_pluralMamuts de tundra furiososEnraged Ice Plain Mammoths
Sys100872_shortnoteSi se encuentran otros tipos de mamuts, los Gnolls pueden prevalecer sobre ellos. Pero si tienen la mala suerte de encontrarse con un [100872|Mamut de tundra furioso], no se atreverán a acercarse a la [ZONE_FIERGEN TUNDRA|Tundra de Fiergen] de nuevo.If they encounter other kinds of mammoths, Gnolls may be able to prevail over them. But if they have the misfortune of coming across an [100872|Enraged Ice Plain Mammoth], they won't dare go anywhere near the [ZONE_FIERGEN TUNDRA|Fiergen Tundra] again.